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This depends as long is there is no adult tooth rubbing against the root of the baby tooth it can last into your twenties and beyond as long as the tooth remains healthy. Most people do lose their baby teeth by the time they are 12-14 years old.

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15y ago
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15y ago

My last one fell out in sixth grade but it is different for different people. I had a friend who had their last baby teeth fall out in fourth grade and one in eighth grade My last one fell out in sixth grade but it is different for different people. I had a friend who had their last baby teeth fall out in fourth grade and one in eighth grade

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14y ago

i was 11 the orthodontist says I'm losing them fast and usually people my age haven't lost all of them so i guess it depends on if the person doesn't care if they get pulled when they're not ready or wait till they're hanging by a thread

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Q: When is the last baby tooth lost?
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What is a baby tooth?

A baby tooth is a tooth which will be replaced when it has been lost by the child to whom it belongs, and replaced with a permanent, adult tooth.

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How does a baby root canal work?

Not given to babies. ANOTHER ANSWER: Sometimes a procedure called a 'pulpotomy' is performed on baby teeth. It is essentially the same as a root canal procedure on an adult tooth. The tooth is numbed with local anesthetic, the tooth is opened with a dental drill, the nerve and the infection is removed, and filling material is used to restore the tooth. It will typically preserve the baby tooth until the tooth is lost in the normal process of growth or 'exfoliation' where baby teeth are lost to make room for the permanent teeth.

Can an adult ever lost a tooth and then another tooth grows back in its place?

Depending on why you lost your tooth, if you never lost all of your baby teeth (just because you have teeth under your baby onesdoesn't mean your going to lose them (two of my teeth were growing in a way they wouldn't push my baby teeth out and at 17 I got them pulled and within a month they were fully grown in)) and your tooth eventually falls out because of the pressure from the tooth growing under it, or if by chance the tooth that you "accidentally lost" is a baby tooth, AND there is a tooth under it then yes. Other wise no. Go to a dentist. You actually born with tooth buds inside your gums, your milk tooth buds are almost completed forming but the adult teeth have only started. The reason your milk teeth fall out is because the adult tooth bud has finished growing and crushes the root of the milk tooth. Some people are born without adult tooth buds. Count yourself lucky :/

Is it normal to have leftover gums after a lost baby tooth?

I don't know if its normal but i felt something similar a small fragment of bone in my gum after the extraction but eventually it made its way out and its gone now..

My son just lost his front baby tooth and now there is a pointed sliver of a tooth where his permanent tooth should be. Is this his adult tooth or just an extra piece of tooth that pushed through?

More that likely it was a small left over peice or fragment if you will left from the tooth.

How old are you when you have lost all your baby teeth?

Well it's hard to say,I lost all my baby teeth in the 4th grade but i was 9 at the time. I lost my teeth fast because i had a alot of cavaties and 1 sweet tooth(DEAD TOOTH) and my cousin is 14 she still didn't lose all of them yet. But the faster you lose your baby teeth the faster your wisdom teeth come in.

How do you compare a baby tooth from an adult?

A baby tooth is smaller than a adult tooth.

What happens when a tooth is lost?

Well it depends what type of tooth is lost. If a baby tooth is lost than over time a new adult tooth will grow in. If an adult tooth is lost than no other tooth will grow in it will from then on an empty space.

Can your teeth still grow back at the age of thirteen?

Humans generally have two sets of teeth: deciduous (baby) teeth and permanent teeth. Most people lose their first set of teeth between the ages of about 6 to 12. These teeth are replaced by the permanent teeth. If you lose a baby tooth after 13 or any age, it will be replaced by a permanent tooth. If you lose a permanent tooth, it won't be replaced- although if you have the tooth and can get to a dentist very quickly, they can sometimes be saved. Teeth don't ever "grow back".

Your son is 13 and has had a tooth fall out is ths a baby tooth?

Yes that's perfectly normal. My last tooth fell out when i was 12-14. Its been 2 years or so. But don't be worried