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The next space shuttle mission is scheduelled for the 3rd feb 2011(shuttle discovery sts 133)

It was originally due for launch back in November 2010 but due to technical problems and bad weather the next launch window is now set for 3rd feb 2011.

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The space shuttle program has been retired, so there are no future shuttle launches scheduled. However, NASA and other space agencies are conducting space missions using other spacecraft and rockets.

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When is the next take off to the moon by a space shuttle?

Never: The Shuttle has never been to the moon and never will.

What state does the Space Shuttle usually take off from?

The Space Shuttle usually took off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

When will the next space shuttle take off?

The space shuttle program was retired in 2011. NASA currently uses different spacecraft for space travel, such as the SpaceX Crew Dragon and Boeing's Starliner. The next scheduled mission to the International Space Station is planned for November 2021.

How does a space shuttle contribute to space?

a space shuttle blasts off to space containing people and other organisms or devices. we discovered space through a telescope, and explored it with a space shuttle.

What is the name of the space craft that exploded while taking off?

The space shuttle that exploded during takeoff was the Space Shuttle Challenger on January 28, 1986.

Where did the space shuttle Challenger take off?

The space shuttle Challenger took off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

What year did space shuttle Challenger explode on lift-off?

The space shuttle Challenger exploded on lift-off on January 28, 1986.

How long does it take the shuttle to reach orbit?

It takes the space shuttle approximately 8.5 minutes to reach orbit after liftoff.

How is the space shuttle and the Orion are similar?

The space shuttle is big just like the Orion. And they both get send off into space

When did the first space shuttle take off?

The first space shuttle, Columbia, took off on April 12, 1981. It was the inaugural mission of NASA's Space Shuttle program, known as STS-1.

How did Armstrong get off the moon?

Using a space shuttle.

What did the space shuttle Challenger do?

It exploded on lift-off.