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Usually when the support obligation stops unless the custody or support order states something to the contrary.

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Q: When is the non custodials responsibility for medical insurance coverage stop for a child of divorced parents?
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If a divorced man is court ordered to continue group health insurance coverage for his divorced wife but she is ordered to pay for it does this mean he has to keep the family plan policy in place?

If you have the same problem as I did which is I could not carry her under my insurance because she was not part of my family anymore. So it would have been the same amount of money for her to just get her own insurance because she could not stay on my employee coverage.

can i get medicare coverage off my exhusband ?

I'm sorry but you will not be able to get coverage since you are divorced.

Is a newly divorced wife who receives excellent health insurance from her employer allowed to continue her coverage under husband's similar plan through COBRA for the next 36 months?


If parents are divorced which insurance is primary?

I think the wife's insurance is primary.

I am not legally divorced and just lost my job and health coverage - does my wife who has insurance from her employment have to cover me now?

You're eligible to be covered. It's probably a question for your Attorney, if she has to cover you. See the links. How about COBRA?

If you and your spouse are legally separated is the wife still covered under the health insurance until which time they are divorced?

As long as the premium is being paid on any person listed on a policy, that person is still covered. If one of the persons listed on the policy moves out of the "coverage area" (like out of the state) of the policy, it is possible that person could be excluded from coverage. Check with the insurance company for the details.

Can you get car insurance if you are divorced from a vet?

Being divorced will have no affect on your ability to obtain an automobile insurance policy. Perhaps I don't really understand your question but marital status will have nothing to do with getting auto insurance.

Do divorced dads pay for childrens insurance?

Often, yes.

Do you have to cancel joint life insurance if you get divorced?

Not necessarily. Some companies have an option where you can actually split up the life insurance policy if you were to get divorced. Sometimes it isn't the case though, so I would be sure to check with your current insurance company.

Life insurance when you get divorced?

A very good idea! I can help you! 4LifeGuild

Does your husband have to pay life insurance premiums until you are divorced?

and sometimes after that.

Can ex-wife discuss insurance policy of ex-husband with insurance agent?

No..... I have been in insurance for 20 yrs. Once you are divorced she has no rights to your information.