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only one place gets more if I was to guess i'd say Europe

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Q: When is the sun mostly shining on earth?
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When does the sun shine on Mars?

The Sun is always shining on Mars just like earth.

Why are there different time zones on earth?

becase the sun or the moon is shining on that part of the earth

Is solstice when the sun shines on one hemisphere?

Not exactly. The sun is always shining on parts of both the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. As the Earth is tilted, there are times when it shines on more of one than the other. At the point it is shining on its maximum amount of one hemisphere, it is a solstice. It is still shining on the other hemisphere too, but just not as much as it is at other times. That happens in June, when it is mostly shining on the northern hemisphere, giving it longer days and shorter nights, and in December, when it is mostly shining on the southern hemisphere and it has the longer days and shorter nights.

What does the earth is the cup of the sun that filleth at morning mean?

The sun is the largest

What is it called when the earth blocks the sun from shining on the mood?

a lunar eclipse.

Why is the earth not shining?

Because it's a planet not a star like the sun...

What is sun shining on the earth to warm it an example of?

It's an example of radiation.

Why do you see the sun shining so brightly?

because the gravity of the earth :)

Does the sun turn off?

The answer is no its on every day but the earth rotates and wherever the the sun is shining that the place theres sun

Which side does the sun cover first on earth?

There is no answer for this; the Sun has been shining for about 4.5 billion years, and the Earth has existed for about that long. As long as the Earth has been spinning (probably, since the collision that formed the Moon when the Earth was young) the Sun has been shining over the whole thing each day.

Where the sun is shining or were the sun is shining?


What is largely made of gas the Earth Sun or The Moon?

The Earth and the Moon are not made mostly of gas but the Sun is.