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38 amu

EDIT: This answer is INCORRECT. Electrons do not have significant mass.

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Because electrons have no appreciable mass, the mass of the calcium ion (Ca^2+) is the same as the neutral atom (40 amu).

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Q: When it loses two electrons to become a calcium ion what is it's new mass?
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What happens to the mass of an atom when it loses two electrons?

The mass become lower but the difference is not significant.

What is the mass of a calcium ion when it loses 2 electrons?

Imperceptably less than one with its full compliment. Electrons are very important particles, but they have almost no mass of their own.

Which element has a mass number of 40 and only has 2 valance electrons?

The element that has a mass number of and two valence electrons is an isotope of calcium.

Is the change in mass significant when an object gains or loses electrons?


What happen when an atom forms an ion?

For an atom to form an ion, it has to either gain or lose one or more electrons. Usually this happens during a chemical reaction, when an element gains or loses electrons to achieve noble gas configuration.

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How many protons neutrons and electrons does Ca have?

Electrons have no relevant mass, and protons and neutrons both have the mass of 1u. If Calcium has the number 20, it has 20 protons (and electrons). It's mass is about 40u. Core Mass - Protons = Neutrons 40u - 20u = 20u, this means Calcium has 20 electrons, 20 protons and 20 neutrons.

What is the mass number of the ion?

The mass number of an ion remains the same as the element. This is because an ion gains or loses electrons which have minimal mass.

What is the atomic structure of Ca 2 plus?

40 Ca2+ Mass number is 40 Atomic number (proton number) is 20 therefore 18 electrons as calcium has lost 2 electrons to become a Ca2+ ions :D

What happens to Calcium chloride in air?

When exposed to air, calcium chloride can absorb moisture and become hydrated, forming a white, powdery substance. It is hygroscopic, meaning it has a strong affinity for water molecules in the air. This property allows calcium chloride to be used as a desiccant to remove excess moisture from the air.

What are the subatomic particles of calcium?

Calcium has 20 electrons and protons; the number of neutrons is specific for each isotope. Number of neutrons in a calcium atom = Mass number - 20

How many neutrons are in a calcium ion?

it depends on the isotopes of calcium e.g. Calcium-40 has 20 electrons and 20 neutrons Calcium-44 has 20 electrons and 24 neutrons To find out the number of neutrons for Calcium you take the Isotope number (x) minus away the number of electrons (20) e.g. Calcium-x Calcium-x has 20 electrons and (x-20) neutrons.. OR you take the relative atomic mass (x) and subtract it with the number of electrons (20) (x-20) = neutrons