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bend at the knee

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Q: When lifting a patient it is important to use good body mechanics the nurse aide should?
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Guidelines of using good body mechanics?

The general guidelines of "good body mechanics" apply whether you are home lifting boxes, or working and lifting patients. The goal of good body mechanics is to protect the worker's back and joints, and prevent worker or patient injury.FirstKnow your limits. Learn to evaluate the situation and ask for help if the patient or the worker could be injured.SecondUse standard practices in deciding whether you can do a lift, how to do it, or whether you will also need equipment.ThirdExplain to the patient what you will be doing, and what you need the patient to do (or not do). Explain before bringing in equipment or extra people. There's nothing worse than having a patient terrified or in a panic because they were asleep or unaware of your intentions.FourthThe practice of good body mechanics is to use your body in ways that protect the joints and back. Back strain, sprain, and disk injury are the highest injuries among workers in America.Fifth - specific body area, your kneesBend your knees and squay when lifting from the floor. Don't bend from the waist. Keep feet flat on floor, one slightly in front of the other, and about a foot or two apart. This allows you to "rock" backwards as you lift an object up in front of you.Sixth- specific body area, your backDon't bend from the waist, use your knees. Keep feet apart but flat on floor. If a patient can help themselves, they should use their own strength with your help during a lift. If bringing a patient to a standing position, don't pull on their arms or you can injury the shoulders or wrists. Instead, go under their underarms with their arms on your shoulders, or on your waist. As you lift, rock back to give their body room. Don't press your body against their body or the patient can be forced off-balance.Consult your textbook or your employer's manual for more details. If unsure about lifts, ask your supervisor to train you.

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What important information must a cardiac patient and his family have?

The patient and family should be fully educated on the physical limitations of the patient, his recommended diet and exercise plan, his emotional status, and the lifestyle changes required to improve the patient's overall health.

How much ampicilliin should be taken?

Depends on several factors, of which the patient's age and weight are the most important.

What is the factor of safety when lifting personnel with a crane?

Manufacturers should define the safety factor of their cranes lifting capacities in their lifting charts.

Do you usually gain or lose weight lifting weights?

This depends on the person and the kind of weight lifting you do. The short answer however is that lifting weights should help you to lose fat and gain muscle. If you are lifting heavily in order to gain muscle mass, you will gain weight. However, if you are lifting to get lean muscle, it should help to lose weight.

Where should the power come from when lifting?

The power should come from your legs, when lifting; if you place too much strain on your back you can develop a terrible back ache.

What action should you take after speaking to the patient?

After speaking with a patient on the phone, the correspondence should be documented in the patient's chart.

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