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A bright blue

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Q: When looking for the automotive paint that will reflect the most heat is white always best or are there any metallic paints or paints with reflective bits in them that are better?
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What objects reflect lots of light?

Anything white, shiny, reflective... A mirror would probably be the most reflective.

What is pre-reflective thinking?

when you reflect on past events in the future.

Vedangas reflect a new stage in the development of?

reflective knowledge

What is pre reflective thinking?

when you reflect on past events in the future.

What are words that have -flect- in them?

deflect,reflective,reflector,reflectoscope inflect,reflection,reflect,inflection,flection genuflection,reflctive,

A common mistake when writing a reflective essay is to what?

react instead of reflect

How do you spell miror?

The correct spelling is mirror (reflective surface, to reflect).

Why gray code is reflective code?

gray code is reflective because 9's complement of any number and 1,s complement of code is same i.e 0 reflect 9 1 reflect 8

What are reflective strips?

Reflective strips are those luminous strips that are usually put on clothing. They reflect light when put under white or bright light

What are some materials that are reflective?

all materials reflect light, which makes color but more atomically dense materials reflect light better

What is reflective teaching?

reflective teaching is anchored on the ability ot the teacher to guide students to reflect on their own experiences in order to arrive at new understandings and meanings.

What type of metal reflect sunlight efficiently?

Any silvered or highly polished metal will reflect sunlight. But, a chromed surface (an electroplated surface of a thin layer of chromium onto a metal object) is very reflective and , apart from a looking-glass mirror, would be the most efficient.