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Q: When may a plain band ring be worn when preparing food?
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How much does a engagement ring band cost?

For engagement they are a plain band with no stones so a few hundred.

What style ring is considered the wedding ring in Ireland?

The standard ring worn by Irish men and women in Ireland when they are married is just a plain gold band. You may be referring to the Claddagh ring, but that is not a wedding ring. Some people may include a Claddagh design on their ring, but most rings are completely plain. A Claddagh ring can be worn by anyone, married or not.

What is a Semi-Eternity Ring?

A Semi-Eternity Ring is a type of ring with diamonds or gemstones set on the front half of the band, leaving the back half plain. This design allows for some of the band to be left plain for practicality or resizing purposes while still showcasing the sparkle of the stones on the front.

Why is a diamond ring not permitted to be worn while preparing food?

It is not just a diamond ring, it is any ring. It is because things can be 'stuck' in or behind the ring that may have bacteria.

Is Steve Austin married?

IDK, but he is now wearing a plain gold band on the ring finger of his left hand.

Should you wash your hands with your white gold ring on?

If it is a plain wedding band then there should be no problem but it is advisable to have your ring cleaned from time to time. If however gems are set on to the band, not advisable then to wash your hands with your rings on

Is there a traditional style of wedding ring?

The most common wedding ring is a plain gold band. Styles vary widely on other rings, from different metals to stones and more. Engagement rings traditionally are a gold band with a solitaire diamond.

What sytle of ring is often considered the Wedding Ring?

Typically the only requirement is that is is a complete circle symbolizing unending love.

What is cheaper a diamond ring or a gold ring?

This questions is a bit confusing, but I'll do my best to answer it. I'm just working under the assumption that you're referring to a plain gold band versus a band with diamonds on it. In this case, a plain gold band would be less expensive than a band with diamonds on it. What determines a plain gold band's price is the karat of the gold (10, 14, 18 or 22), the amount of gold required to make the band, the intricacy of any engraving or styling on the band, and how much the jeweler's market is. If you need additional information, there is a great tutorial on precious metals you can access if you click the "Related Link" at the bottom of this post.

What does the wedding ring symbolize?

Wedding rings and wedding bands are essentially the same thing (some people associate the word "band" with a plain design and "ring" with a fancier design). These are the rings that the bride and groom exchange during their wedding ceremony. The groom's ring is usually a simple, plain band, but it can be embellished with a design. The bride's ring can be a plain band (usually a bit thinner than the groom's ring) or a more elaborate ring, embedded with diamonds.

Does an engagement ring need to be a diamond?

* No, some women request another stone other than a diamond for an engagement ring. Some women don't even want an engagement ring and may have a plain wedding band or, a wedding band with their favorite gems set into the band. If you are male and buying the ring as a surprise for your girlfriend make sure she does want another gem instead of a diamond. It is also etiquette to take your girlfriend with you so she can pick out the ring.

What does nick jonas's ring look like?

it is a plain silver ring with the word PONED on it