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keep eyes on them and report that situation to supervise

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A duty of care may be required to protect a person from harming themselves or others when there is a reasonable belief that harm is imminent and there is a legal obligation or ethical responsibility to intervene. This may involve seeking help from appropriate authorities or mental health professionals to ensure the safety and well-being of the individual at risk.

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Q: When may be required to discharge the duty of care in order to protect a person from harming themselves or from harming others?
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What do wild fish do to protect themselves?

Wild fish use various tactics to protect themselves from predators, such as swimming in schools to confuse attackers, blending into their environment through camouflage, and swiftly darting away when threatened. Some species also have physical defenses like spines or scales that can deter predators.

What to do if your adult child takes advantage of elder parents?

It's important to set boundaries with your adult child and have an open conversation about their behavior. Seek support from a therapist or counselor to navigate the situation and consider seeking legal advice if necessary. Encourage your elder parents to also speak up and protect themselves from being taken advantage of.

What is the theme of the story a mother in mannville?

Even people with integrity may be less than honest in order to protect themselves, their independence, and self-worth. Jerry wanted to feel a sense of self-worth, but knew in his heart that his fantasy of being a normal child with a normal home wasn't a reality. "Jerry, whose heart couldn't lie" (Rawlings 1). Jerry desired to attain this dream, so he told stories to make it seem more like a reality to protect his self-worth from plummeting.

What does a guardian get used for?

A guardian is typically used to protect the interests and well-being of a minor or someone who is incapacitated. This can involve making decisions on their behalf, managing their finances, and ensuring their needs are met. Guardians are appointed by a court to act in the best interests of the person they are responsible for.

How do you protect yourself against crime?

Some ways to protect yourself against crime include being aware of your surroundings, avoiding unsafe areas or situations, staying vigilant, and taking self-defense classes to be prepared in case of an emergency. It's also beneficial to have a safety plan in place and to make use of technology like alarms, surveillance cameras, and personal safety apps.

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When you may be required to discharge the duty of care in order to protect from harming themselves or from harming others?

Give an example when you may be required to discharge the duty of care in order to protect a person from harming themselves or from harming others?

Give an example when you may be required to discharge the duty of care in order to protect a person harming themselves or others?

One case where you may be required to discharge duty of care in order to protect the person from harming themselves is in the case of an Emergency Department. In this case the Emergency Department might have to discharge duty of care by transferring it to a facility where the person can get long term treatment. This may also occur with an elderly person whose care is transferred to a long term care facility to keep them from falling, or otherwise harming themselves.

How To Protect Birds And Animals?

We can protect them by not harming them & not by cutting forests.

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They protect themselves by squirting ink.

Should you wear a sanitary towel when you get discharge?

I do and I get heavy discharge I use them to protect my underwear

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How do scorpians protect themselves?

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they make killing or harming tigers illegal

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no, they protect themselves XD I have to laugh at that, but it is true they protect themselves.

How do barnacles protect themselves?

Barnacles protect themselves by sticking to something sturdy.