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When you are writing a personal e-mail, quoting someone, or using it to develop a novel (to show the true character).

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Q: When might you appropriately use slang or jargon?
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Related questions

Who uses Jargon?

The police force, computer geeks, the military and the army all use jargon/slang. Doctors and people in the medical field use it as well.

How do you avoid slang?

You avoid it by learning the proper words and phrases used in the language. The more educated you become, the less likely you will be to use slang in a formal setting.

When is it appropriate to use slang or jargon?

In a personal letter to a close friend or this one to When you are communicating informally with people who definitely understand what you are talking about

Why is it worthwhile to familiarize yourself with certain jargon terms?

Familiarizing yourself with jargon terms can enhance communication within specific fields or industries, allowing you to better understand and engage with discussions, research, and colleagues. It can also help you establish credibility and demonstrate expertise in a particular area.

Why do writers try not to use jargon in their directions?

Jargon can be difficult to understand.

I need a list of computer jargon from English to French?

the computer jargon we use in French, is the English computer jargon...

Why do writers use jargon?

Writers like doctors or any other profession use jargon to have short cuts in words or a shorter version of something kind of like an abbreviation. If they don't want you to hear there conversation they might use it so you can't understand or someone can't.

What film jargon and complex terminology should you use in a film critique?

Jargon is not necessary to use in writing a student review.

What is lexical inconsistency?

Lexical refers to the "lexicon" or the kinds of words specific to a certain specialty or field. Think of it as slang or jargon, if you have a lexical inconsistency, the term you use in one specialty doesn't translate to other disciplines.

What are some slang words someone might use in a gang?

It depends on which gang, which part of the world, and what language they're speaking. Slang is highly regional.

What words and expressions do teens use that might perplex adults?

Teens say slang words which might perplex adults.

What is the repeated use of a word or phrase?

a jargon or colloquialisms