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Alert any supervisors to any questions or answers talking about committing suicide. This is serious, and wikianswers in no way endorses people committing suicide. If we realize there are questions or answers giving information on how to commit suicide then we will promptly remove it. As far as losing virginity, if it is a reasonable question about it, we do permit it and it should be placed in the sex category. I encourage you to always monitor children when they are on any website and if you see them looking at inappropriate pages for their age please make any actions that would stop them from doing so. If you would like something removed contact wikianswers or a supervisor, but keep in mind that not all sex questions are inappropriate.

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Q: When my 9 year old daughter went on this site your not happy there was things about committing suicide and losing your virginity on it you suggest this gets taken off?
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What is committing suicide?

Committing suicide means a person is in the act of taking their own life or killing themself.

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Borderlines are incapable of committing suicide.

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Suicide is Never the solution.

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By committing suicide.

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Adolf Hitler.

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by committing suicide after the battle of Phillipi.

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Tons and tons

Does Committing Suicide Help you in Life?

No, suicide never will help you and it is a mortal sin to kill yourself.

Can you be punshed for conmiting suicide in Scotland?

There is not a great deal the authorities could do to punish you for committing suicide.

What is RP rating?

the reliability-peacefulness rating. in committing suicide.