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two nitrogen molecules

its easy you noob

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Q: When nitrogen dioxide is heated it splits into two elements what element does it become?
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When the nucleus of a nitrogen atom absorbs a proton what element does it become?


When did cobalt become an element of the periodic table of the elements?

Cobalt has always been an element.

How element combine?

elements combine because no body noes :DBecause elements become ions then combine

Is the element nitrogen 7 reactive or stable periodic table?

Nitrogen has two stable and naturally occurring nuclides, [N14, N15] and a half-dozen of unstable ones.

What noble gas does nitrogen become?

Nitrogen does not become a noble gas. It is fairly un-reactive but can be persuaded to react with Oxygen to make Nitrous Oxide or Nitrogen Dioxide, Hydrogen to make Ammonia, carbon to make Methane and many more compounds.

Why do atoms become elements?

Atoms do not 'become' elements. If it exists as an atom it has always been some type of element from the moment it came into existence. An atom is the smallest piece of an element that is still that element. If you break it down any further you neither have any element or atom, you have subatomic particles.

How do fossils become fossils through carbonization?

- This results from removal of all but the carbon elements. Other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are removed.

Which elements can become stable by losing one elements?

An chemical element cannot loss a chemical element. Probable you think to the last member of a radioactive decay chain.

How are the elements carbon nitrogen and oxygen produced in stars like the sun?

These fusion (carbon , nitrogen , and oxygen) reactions form nuclei of sightly heavier elements.

Are all elements periodically change to become new element s?

No. Only radioactive elements, which undergo radioactive decay can change to different elements.

What is the formula for the compound nitrogen monoxide?

The formula is is 'NO'. The 'N' comes from one Nitrogen atom, and the O from one Oxygen(Monoxide) atom. If NO is exposed to oxygen, it will take on an extra Oxygen atom and become NO2. (Nitrogen Dioxide)

What happens where two elements have the same atomic number?

No two different elements can have the same atomic number.