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you should be another horse length apart which means that it should be you then 6-8 feet between you and the other horse It is safest to be out of kicking distance (at least 1 horse length) from the other horse. However, I don't exactly do that.. My friend's horse and mine are best friends and throw fits if they can't be RIGHT next to each other.

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Q: When on a trail ride what is the distance between one horse and one other horse?
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What distance must be respected between each horse?

For things such as trail riding, the recommended distance is about two horses lengths. My personal rule of thumb is that you should be able to see the back hooves of the horse in front of you.

Can trail horses be ridden?

Yes they can, that's the whole point of a trail horse, a trail horse is a horse used to go on trail rides.

What is the purpose of the mustang horse?

The purpose of them is Trail riding horses because they are better than any other breed of horse on the trail. They also are used as Rodeo horses as well.

What does a walking trail horse mean?

A walking trail horse is simply a horse that you can take on trails at a walking speed. That's the literal meaning of the question; but as a trail rider and author of Basic Training for a Safe Trail Horse I would say that "walking trail horse" refers to a gaited breed of trail horse like the Tennessee Walker. TW's are the most common of walking horses, but there are many other gaited breeds that perform comfortable gaits that can be described as a "walking" gait. Many of these gaits are performed at speeds comparable to the gaits of trotting or cantering in non-gaited breeds.

You weigh 380lbs and you are 6ft 2 an want to know what is a good type of horse for you other then a work horse for trail riding?

See if u can find a nice big Quarter horse. Lots are short but there tough and strong and good trail horses.

What do you do when horse riding?

There are many different things to do while on the back of a horse. Trail rides, jumping fences, chasing cattle, or making friends with other horse lovers.

Is trail class a major horse event?

Trail classes are not a major event, in that they are not one of the sports that is featured in major games, such as the Olympics, or Pan American games. Trail classes are more prevalent in Western riding, & are a great way to showcase discipline and communication between horse and rider.

What is the distance in km between Edmonton Alberta to Trail BC driving a car?

563.67mi / 907.14km

What is the distance in km between Trail British Columbia to Lloydminster Alberta?

It's about 1150 kilometres.

Distance between Edmonton AB and Trail BC?

It is 565 milles according to Google Maps.

How is an Mustang Horse used today?

Mustangs are used for anything any other breed of horse can be used for. They do excel at trail work and endurance though.

What is a trekking horse?

A trekking horse is any horse that is used for Trekking (Trail riding).