

When on red how much diesel left?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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approx 50miles worth

but i would not recommend you running your car on red its no good for the engine

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Q: When on red how much diesel left?
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How can diesel cost be decreased?

buy red diesel it dosent get taxed as much. just hope your tank dosent get dipped.

How much per gallon is airplane fuel?

Same as red diesel for jet engined planes

How much does 1 gallon of red diesel fuel weight?

Number 2 or red diesel weighs 8.33 pounds per gallon. It is slightly heavier than water which weighs 8.13 pounds per gallon.

What is the difference between red diesel and normal diesel?

sulfur content regular ultra low sulfur diesel is 15ppm. off road, no tax, red diesel what ever you want to call it has 3000ppm

What color is diesel?

color of diesel depends what country you are in mostly in usa diesel is yellow, non taxed diesel such as offroad diesel is red. it has a dye put in it so DOT know if you are using farm diesel on a highway vehicle

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The color of synthetic diesel oil is red.

Will red diesel effect Renault laguna 1.9 tdi?

No red diesel is the same as normal diesel but with a dye added ,But customs & excise wont like it and could impound your car .

Can you change the red colour of diesel to pale yellow?

Yes it is possible, however in the UK red diesel has a lower duty (tax) and is sold to off road users such as farmers. It is illegal to use red diesel on public roads and illegal to remove the red dye.

Which is worse diesel in a regular car or unleaded in a diesel?

In general unleaded in diesel is worse but it depends on how much unleaded went into how much diesel.

Why is the diesel flowing from your diesel pump when its left idle fo a hour or so?

no the diesel seems to be flowing back into the tank

Does red diesel damage your engine?

It will not damage your engine but it is illegal to on the road. The fuel is dyed for use off road. Off road Diesel is not taxed like on-road diesel. Also, the newest on-road diesels require ultra low sulfur fuel, and red is not always low sulfur. It will wipe out your particulate filter, which is expensive (and won't be warrantied). Often red diesel is straight #2. So it needs additive if it's much below freezing.

Other than the dye what is the difference between off road and on road diesel?

On-road diesel is taxable under IFTA (but still may be used for non-taxable purposes, such as refrigerated units, Proheat units, equipment, etc.), whereas red dyed diesel is not. The red dyed diesel leaves a much darker exhaust emission, which will be easily identifiable to any DOT/Motor carrier enforcement officer.