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Q: When operating a vhf marine radio what channel must you monitor?
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When operating a vessel with a vhf radio which channel must you monitor?


What emergency channel is monitored continuously by the U.S. Coast Guard?

Channel 16. Marine channel 16 is the international calling and distress channel. Whilst marine radio has limited range, the coastguard of every country monitors channel 16 in their coastal waters 24 hours a day - 365 days a year. Additionally, anyone using a boat fitted with a VHF radio is expected to monitor channel 26 if they're not using the radio themselves.

When operating your vessel with a radio what channel must you monitor?

16---------------Everybody monitors channel 16 as a hailing channel. When close to or in a port situation often channel 13 or other agreed on channel is used for port activities and as a port "hailing" channel".

When operating your vessel a vhf radio what channel must you monitor?

16---------------Everybody monitors channel 16 as a hailing channel. When close to or in a port situation often channel 13 or other agreed on channel is used for port activities and as a port "hailing" channel".

When Operating your vessel with a VHF radio what channel must monitor?

16---------------Everybody monitors channel 16 as a hailing channel. When close to or in a port situation often channel 13 or other agreed on channel is used for port activities and as a port "hailing" channel".

When operating your vessel with a VHF radio channel must you Monitor?

16---------------Everybody monitors channel 16 as a hailing channel. When close to or in a port situation often channel 13 or other agreed on channel is used for port activities and as a port "hailing" channel".

EQ-48 When operating your vessel with a VHF radio what channel must you monitor?

16---------------Everybody monitors channel 16 as a hailing channel. When close to or in a port situation often channel 13 or other agreed on channel is used for port activities and as a port "hailing" channel".

What channel must you monitor When operating your vessel with a VHF radio?

16---------------Everybody monitors channel 16 as a hailing channel. When close to or in a port situation often channel 13 or other agreed on channel is used for port activities and as a port "hailing" channel".

Which communication system reserves channel 16 as a calling and distress channel?

The VHF marine radio communication system reserves channel 16 as a calling and distress channel. This channel is used for initiating communication and for broadcasting distress signals in case of emergencies at sea.

When operating a vhf marine radio when should mayday be used?

When in imminent danger

When operating VHF marine radio when should the term MAYDAY be used?

When in imminent danger

When operating a VHF marine radio when should be term mayday be used?

When in imminent danger