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As an adult the main problems with AS would be if their interest is so extreme that they put themselves into danger for it such as examining a train tracks but there is a train coming however he or she is just so obsessive with the tracks that they will not move out of the way.

The other danger would be if they cannot act correctly in a social gathering and it enrages someone enough to want to cause harm or danger to the person with Aspergers.

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Q: When or if Asperger's Syn be daneours as Adult?
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Adult aspergers syndrome?

People with Aspergers tend to see large improvements as they get older. Children with Aspergers tend to be what others may say, "In their own world" as they may be obsessive with certain things and prefer to be alone. Teens with Aspergers tend to be more social and aware of themselves and this is a rather touchy area as with other teens. Adults with Aspergers may or may not be viewed as being an Aspie as many adults can "mask" the issue by acting as how others behave or doing what needs to be done. Normally adults are seen as normal yet "off" but this alone is normal as they have Aspergers.

What are powerful words that start with s?

safeguarded syn. assure, cover, defend salvaged syn. deliver, reclaim, save saved syn. regain, rescue, retrieve scanned syn. browse, check, skim scheduled syn. appoint, engage, slate screened syn. cloak, cover, shield sculptured syn. carve, fashion, hue searched syn. examine, probe, scour secured syn. defend, guard, protect seized syn. clasp, embrace, snag selected syn. choose, cull, mark sent syn. advance, dispatched, remit separated syn. cleave, detach, divide sequenced syn. assort, classify, group served syn. aid, deal, provide serviced syn. correct, focused, mend set up syn. arrange, begin, start settled syn. achieve, complete, end shaped syn. configure, frame, profile shared syn. assign, dispense, ration sharpened syn. edge, hone, taper shipped syn. direct, export, send shortened syn. abridge, compress, reduce showed syn. appear, disclose, unveil signed syn. abandon, cede, yield simplified syn. clarify, decipher, explained simulated syn. ape, copy, imitate sketched syn. craft, draw, make slashed syn. cut, incise, sever smoothed syn. clear, even, refine solicited syn. claim, demand, refer sold syn. barter, contract, vend solidified syn. compact, condense, set solved syn. clarify, decide, settle sorted syn. classify, grade, group sourced syn. begin, create, start sparked syn. excite, inspire, kindle spearheaded syn. attend, show, usher specialized syn. practice, study, trained specified syn. cite, decide, itemize speculated syn. consider, suspect, theorize spent syn. confer, deplete, waste spoke syn. allege, assert, state sponsored syn. buoy, champion, promote spurred syn. advance, aid, urge staffed syn. employ, crew, retain standardized syn. adjust, institute, order started syn. begin, order, make steered syn. conduct, direct, guide stimulated syn. elate, incite, prod streamlined syn. focus, gather, organize strengthened syn. brace, cheer, restore stretched syn. amplify, extend, widen structured syn. build, create, make studied syn. consider, ponder, watch submitted syn. enter, give, refund succeeded syn. accomplish, complete, finish suggested syn. broach, commend, convey summarized syn. abridge, convey, cut supervised syn. administer, control, manage supplied syn. cater, deliver, furnish supported syn. buoy, aid, promote surpassed syn. exceed, outrank, top surveyed syn. access, case, inspect swayed syn. bend, incline, lean swept syn. accomplish, complete, won symbolized syn. denote, embody, suggest synthesized syn. arrange, blend, integrate systemized syn. array, design, frame

What is profound Aspergers?

It is a more severe version of aspergers

Is aspergers syndrome and asburgers syndrome the same thing?

Close, asburgeres sounds similar to aspergers. Asburgeres specifically does not exist but aspergers does. Other names for aspergers is asperger(s) syndrome and autistic psychopathy which is the original name for aspergers.

What are fifty examples of synonyms and antonyms?

A synonym is a word that means the same, or something very similar, as another word.An antonym is a word that means the exact opposite of another word.1. war (syn) conflict (ant)peace2. difference (syn) disparity (ant) similarity3. believe (syn) trust (ant)doubt4. slack (syn) loose (ant)tight5. warp (syn) buckle (ant)straighten6. overwrought (syn) agitated (ant) calm7. hare-brained (syn) foolish (ant) sensible8. mucky (syn) dirty (ant)clean9. awesome (syn) magnificent (ant) unimpressive10. zeal (syn) fervour (ant)apathy11. banal (syn) hackneyed (ant) original12. young (syn) juvenile (ant) old13. contemptuous (syn) disdainful (ant) respectful14. waxen (syn) pallid (ant)ruddy15. droll (syn) humorous (ant) serious16. vilify (syn) disparage (ant) praise17. exultant (syn) jubilant (ant) sorrowful18. ugly (syn) unsightly (ant) beautiful19. fat (syn) corpulent (ant)thin20. tacit (syn) implicit (ant) explicit21. gargantuan (syn) enormous (ant) tiny22. sloping (syn) slanted (ant) level23. heterodox (syn) nonconformist (ant) orthodox24. rude (syn) discourteous (ant) polite25. irritate (syn) vex (ant)soothe26. quash (syn) annul (ant)validate27. jagged (syn) spiky (ant)smooth28. prone (syn) vulnerable (ant) resistant29. kaleidoscopic (syn) multicoloured (ant) monochrome30. outlandish (syn) weird (ant) ordinary31. lack (syn) deficiency (ant) abundance32. nasty (syn) unpleasant (ant) nice33. malevolence (syn) hostility (ant) benevolence34. loyalty (syn) allegiance (ant) treachery35. noxious (syn) poisonous (ant) innocuous36. kind (syn) caring (ant)mean37. outward (syn) outer (ant)inward38. just (syn) fair (ant)unfair39. pusillanimous (syn) timid (ant) brave40. include (syn) incorporate (ant) exclude41. questionable (syn) doubtful (ant) indisputable42. hate (syn) loathe (ant)love43. rabble (syn) mob (ant)nobility44. guilty (syn) culpable (ant) innocent45. scintillating (syn) sparkling (ant) dull46. footling (syn) trivial (ant) important47. tousled (syn) untidy (ant) neat48. excellent (syn) superb (ant) inferior49. unforgettable (syn) memorable (ant) unexceptional50. finished (syn) completed (ant) incomplete

When was The Syn created?

The Syn was created in 1965.

Is aspergers a mentall illness?

Aspergers is not a mentall illness it is not a diesease you can,t catch aspergers by being around someone with aspergers. People with aspergers are born with it. Although aspergers affects the way people think and veiw the world it is not a diesese. Recent aspergers studies have shown that in brains of people with aspergers there is a difference in the way the brain is wired and set up. and there have also been studies of aspergers brain waves and it showed the brain waves of people with aspergers differed from nerotypical brain waves. Just because people with aspergers think differently does not make them mentally ill there is a huge difference between the two.

What is syn syn ack ack?

Syn Syn Ack Ack means three way handshake in Transmission Control Protocol. It is referred to as Syn Syn Ack Ack because there are three messages transmitted by TCP to negotiate and start a session between two computers.

When was Aspergers Society of Ontario created?

Aspergers Society of Ontario was created in 2000.

What is asperger's sickness?

I dont know that Aspergers is a sickness. It is said usually that someone is "gifted" with Asperger. That means it is a blessing. Many Aspergers say that they wouldnt trade Aspergers with a neurotypical life. I dont think Aspergers is a sickness.

Should I worry about violence occurring when I am being an Indian Giver to ask an adult with asperger's to give back a gift that was not mine to give in the first place?

No. Just explain the situation so as not to hurt his or her feelings. I have aspergers and I am very gentle, and the persons i know who have aspergers are extremely sensitive and very gentle.