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Q: When outer electrons are removed do they become statically charged?
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What would the charge be if you removed two electrons from magnesium?

it will become positivly charged

How does a object become negatively charged?

if some of the positive charges have been either chemically removed or bonded together, that is how they become negatively charged...................... xoxo

How do particles become charged?

particles become charged when they either gain or lose electrons.

5 What causes an atom to become positively or negatively charged?

Atoms become positively charged when they have a deficit of electrons. Similarly, they become negatively charged when they have a surplus of electrons. Neutral charge, the non-ionized state, is when the number of electrons is the same as the number of protons.

How does an atom become a positively charged ion?

An atom becomes a positively charged ion when it loses one or more electrons.

When does a particle become charged?

gain or lose electrons

How do materials become charged when rubbed together?

By electrons

What happens to metals in ionic bonding?

Metals lose electrons to become positively charged but stable. The electrons they lose are accepted by the non-metal to become negatively charged but stable.

What happens to the rod when it is rub by nylon?

It depends on what the rod is made of. For example, if it's a glass rod the glass will lose electrons to the nylon and become positively charged, and the nylon will gain electrons and become negatively charged. If the rod is made of aluminum or steel, the rod will gain electrons from the nylon and become negatively charged, and the nylon will become positively charged.

How does atoms become charged?

An atom becomes charged when it gains or loses electrons to form an octet.

What are some ways in which an object can become charged?

Some ways in which an object can become charged are friction, contact and induction.

Why does objects become positively charged if they lose electrons?

Losing electrons the positive charges become bigger than negative charges.