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It could be any thing. It is different to elements.

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9y ago

When an atom forms an ion.If it gain electrons number become negative.

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Q: When oxidation number positive or negative?
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The oxidation number of an atom is shown with a negative number?

negative numbers --go to the discussion spot and it will help you. :)

What is the oxidation nu?

Oxidation number is oxidation states of an element. It can be positive or negative.

Why do elements with a positive oxidation number easily combine with those having a negative oxidation number?

Elements with positive oxidation number easily combined with those having a negative oxidation number because opposite oxidation number attracts each other.

Why do elements with positive oxidation number easily combined with those having a negative oxidation number?

Elements with positive oxidation number easily combined with those having a negative oxidation number because opposite oxidation number attracts each other.

Is the oxidation number a negative number?

It can be negative.It can be positive or zero too

A positive or negative number that is assigned to an element to show its combining ability in a compound is?

Oxidation Number

What does the positive or negative oxidation number tell you about an ion?

It describes the ion. If it is negative it is an anion.

How does the oxidation number indicate if an electron will be lost or gained?

If an atom loses electron, then it will have a positive oxidation number. If an atom gains electron, then it will have a negative oxidation number.

What is a elements oxidation number?

A neutral atom has an oxidation number of 0. An anion has a negative oxidation number. The oxidation number of a cation is positive.

Does a metal or nonmetal have both positive and negative oxidation numbers?

All metals have positive oxidation numbers. Non-metals may have positive or negative oxidation numbers and some metalloids have both positive and negative oxidation numbers as well

What is the oxidation number of ZnCl?

The compound has no charge. This means that the positive oxidation numbers must equal the negative oxidation numbers. Cl has an oxidation number of -1. Therefore, Zn must have an oxidation number of +1.

What do you call positive or negative number that tells if electrons are gained or lost?

It is called Oxidation number.