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Q: When pathogenic bacteria form a spore they become harder to kill.?
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What does a spore do on a bacteria?

A spore is formed by bacteria when the environment around it starts to become less favorable for growth (eg. depletion in nutrients, increase in temperatures, drop in moisture of the environment, etc). these spores lay dormant until the conditions become favorable again. When the environment changes to more favorable conditions the bacteria will develop and begin a new colony following the bacterial cycle

How do you make bacteria in doodle devil?

Try, Bacteria = Life + Spore

As a spore some bacteria will what?

Multiply in the freezer

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Give examples of animals which follow spore formation?

all different types of bacteria undergo spore formation

Why spore formation is not a mode of reproduction in bacteria?

reproduction means increase in number of organism by dividing the cell or by mating but in spore formation the bacteria cell undergoes some modification which helps it to pass unfavourable conditions and when conditions again become favourable then it regains its original structures so it is not reproduction but jst modifications

What is the Protective resting stage of the bacteria?

The resting period of bacteria is called the dormant period

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In the alternation of generations life cycle the spore undergoes mitosis to become a?


Corynebacterium is a spore forming gram positive cocci?

Corynebacterium is a non spore forming gram positive cocci