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Q: When people are deprived of what sleep causes them to compensate for the loss directly and show a rebound effect?
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How does the elastic rebound theory explain the occurrence of earthquakes?

The sudden return of elastically deformed rock to sit original shape is called elastic rebound. Elastic rebound happens when stress on rock along a fault becomes so grat that the rock breaks or fails. This failure causes the rocks on either side of the fault to jerk past one another. During this sudden motion, large amounts of energy are released. This energy travels through rock as seismic waves. These waves cause earthquakes. The strength of an earthquake is related to the amount of energy that is released during elastic rebound.

What causes a ball to bounce back?

When a ball hits a surface, it gets distorted by the impact. Because of Its elasticity, it regains its original shape when the force is removed. This causes it to push against the surface and that causes the rebound.

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The removal of the load causes something known as glacial isostatic rebound. The weight of the glacier causes the earth's lithosphere to deform (it squashes it). When the glacier retreats and the load is removed, the earth's lithosphere springs back to its original shape.

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In the event whereas an employee neglectfully causes damages or loss to company properties, they can be made to compensate their employer. R Layne,

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Is sleep deprivation a leading cause of anxiety panic?

Sleep deprivation is proven to be one of the leading causes of anxiety. However it seems to be a viscous circle as anxiety creates sleep deprivation, and when we are deprived of sleep it again causes anxiety.

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