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Q: When people give their consent to be governed and give up certain rights they are submitting to live under?
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Why consent of the governed matters?

Consent of the governed matters because if the governed people do not consent to the governing body, they will revolt against it. It is also considered unjust to rule over people without their consent.

Why does consent of the government matter?

Consent of the governed matters because if the governed people do not consent to the governing body, they will revolt against it. It is also considered unjust to rule over people without their consent.

Is there consent of the governed in Cuba?

Cuba is a communist state and is governed by the will of the people. It is a democracy with regular elections and has a high voter participation.

What is the significance of consent of the goverened?

The consent of the governed is that the people have a chance to vote for their leaders and talk to their representatives.

What does consent of governed mean?

People are the source of all government power.

Consent of the governed?

the people are the source of any and all governmental power.

What is an example of consent of the governed?

Consent of the governed- people are the source of all government power. An example- If people don't like a senator they have the right to kick him out if enough people agree that he/she is doing a bad job.

Which statement best express the meaning of the opening words of the us constitution you the people?

Sovereignty Is Derived From The Consent Of The Governed...

The idea that government derives its authority by sanction of the people refers to the principle of what?

Consent of the governed.

What is the supreme source of all political power in the US is the?

The People; the consent of the governed.

How does Beveridge answer the charge that governing people without their consent is wrong the charge that governing people without their consent is wrong?

He compares the people of the Philippines to children who are governed without consent

Which phrase from the declaration of Independence most clearly reflects the idea that the people are the source of government?

The consent of the governed is an idea born of the enlightenment and the writings of John Locke. This is the idea that a government gains its power via the willingness of the people to support it. The US system expresses this notion by holding elections in which the people (the governed) select their representatives to govern (there by giving consent).