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There a several things that could explain some UFOs. Secret military aircraft, anomalies in the atmosphere, weather balloons or somebody pulling a hoax. Most sightings have logical explainations. But there is a small percentage that can't be explained. This small percentage is what becomes a UFO.

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Q: When people think they see a UFO and it isn't what is it?
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What do people usually see on a UFO sighting?

They usually see UFO's at a UFO sighting

Did JFK see a UFO in office?

I don't think so. He wanted to 'blow the whistle' on the CIA in UFO coverups. He did not actually see a UFO himself.

Is a flying saucer experience where you think you see a UFO?

Basically yes.

Do you think men are actually building UFOs?

A UFO is an object which flies and you cannot identify it (ie. you don't know what it is). I think it is safe to say that if you are building something, you know what it is, and hence, is not a UFO. So you can see that it is practically impossible to build a UFO. Note :- UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object.

Are you with me when i say that ufos are not real?

I for one am not. UFO stands for unidentified flying object. It does NOT automatically mean 'alient space craft'. If you see something moving in the sky and you don't know what it is, for you it is a UFO. If several people see it and nobody knows what it is, it is a UFO. It's a UFO until someone identifies it.

When did people first see a UFO?

First time people have discovered it is in June 1947, in the U.S.

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The only way to do this, and it isnt great, is to see who reblogged things they posted on their tumblr. And even that isnt accurate, just the only way I can think of.

Where does UFO comes from?

I think that UFOs come from space and that UFOs ARE real!! If you see something move or moving in the sky,then report it emedeatly!! UFO stands for `Unidentified Flying Object`!!

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he isnt. If you think he is then you might want to go and see a doctor

Should it be UFO or UFO?

a UFO See (all the way to the bottom) for help determining when to use a or an before an abbreviation.

Do UFO's Make sound?

No i dont think so. If you could here the Ufo it would be easier to notice most people SEE it not HEAR it. But then theres the chance of being to far away but u can still here plaines? so its up for disscusion.

What things live in a UFO?

There is no reason to think UFOs are alien spacecraft, or that anything is "living in them". They're just things people see that they themselves can't identify-- that is what the U in UFO stands for, "unidentified". If they were alien spacecraft we would call them IAS, "Identified Alien Spacecraft". If you believe it then aliens.