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it's causing global war but mostly decomposes very, very slowly.

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Q: When plastics is buried in landfill it?
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How can plastics be disposed?

Recyling; the plastics could then be reused, Landfill; it cheap init blud lol

Does the use of biodegradable plastics solve all landfill problems assoicated with plastics?

No. Though bio-degradable, this still takes time to occur so somewhere needs to be found to allow this to happen. Presently this is still landfill for the most part.

Why ban plastics?

Since plastic needs to thousand years to decompose thus, increase landfill.

What happens if you don't recycle plastic?

If you don't recycle plastic then it is thrown into a landfill. Once in the landfill it will be buried with other trash which pollute groundwater.

Where does the rubbish you put in the bin go?

Rubbish has many potential routes to follow after collection: * It can be sorted into metals, plastics glass etc. for recycling * It can be incinerated for heat and power * It can be buried in a sanitary landfill

What do scientist call litter buried in sanitary landfill?

What do you think will happen to the types of litter and garbage you and your family generate after being buried in sanitary landfills,

Plastics and others garbage are burned?

Yes, sometimes. It is much better to recycle plastics for two reasons: one, burning plastic releases dangerous chemicals, and two, recycling plastic saves energy and oil.Burning garbage releases carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, as well as other dangerous toxins. Much of what is classed as garbage can actually be recycled. The absolute minimum should be burned or buried in landfill.

How is a landfill created?

Solid waste is buried between layers of dirt to fill in low-lying land.

How is deinking sludge produced and tell you about its properties how can you effectively use them?

The deinking process is the ability to detach ink from the fibers. TheÊunusable leftover after the deinking process such as ink, plastics, filler, and short fibers, is called sludge. The sludge is buried in a landfill, burned to create energy at the paper mill or used as a fertilizer by local farmers.

Why cant thermosetting be recycled?

Thermosetting plastics can not be recycled because they can not be reformed or re moulded

What happen to household refuse after it has been thrown into the refuse bin?

it goes to the tip (garbage dump) where it decomposes and eventually is buried.

How does bottled water pollute the environment?

Too many plastics are polluting our waterways.