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Q: When plates converge heat and presure can cause a build up of magma and create?
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If two continental plates converge a subduction zone forms?

False! When two continental plates converge a mountain range is formed. This is what formed and is continuing to "build" the Himalayan mountain chain.Subduction zones form where oceanic crust converges with and is forced under continental crust, or younger more buoyant oceanic crust.

Where do the earthquakes happen?

, Earthquakes occurs along fault lines, fault lines are where tectonic plates meet. There is a build up of pressure when the plates converge ( move in and hit each other). When the pressure is to great it is released in an earthquake. Hope this helps.

What happens when earths crust doesn't move?

presure starts to build. when that pressure is released, it causes an earthquake. This only happens on a transform boundry beetween two plates, which is where they slide against each other.

What happens at a convergent boundry?

A2. A Convergent Boundary is where two Tectonic Plates come together.They are Destructive boundaries, for some of the plates are consumed. The Himalayas are an example where the plates converge, and build a mountain range between them. There still will be some subduction.The Andes of S America are where the pacific Plate is being subducted beneath the S American Plate.

What are convergent zones?

A2. A Convergent Boundary is where two Tectonic Plates come together.They are Destructive boundaries, for some of the plates are consumed. The Himalayas are an example where the plates converge, and build a mountain range between them. There still will be some subduction.The Andes of S America are where the pacific Plate is being subducted beneath the S American Plate.

Does the mountains build up near the centre of the plates?


What pushes the tectonic plates apart?

a build up of pressure

Why are mountains constructive?

Mountains form at (convergent and divergent) plate boundaries. Two plates can crash together and bend upward, forming a mountain, or lava can harden into rack and build up volcanoes which are mountains.

Do we stand on tectonic plates?

Yes we live on them, build our cities on them etc

What is the difference between build and create?

There is overlap today, but in general to build suggests forming out of physical materials (build a house) while create is to cause to come into existence in by any means, typically by act of creativity (create a painting, create jobs). One can build a house with little creativity but one must use their creative powers to create a painting.

What is happening to the plates that formed the Colima volcano in Mexico?

The plates are colliding and causing pressure to build there for it is building up the volcano by pushing it up

Why do canisters pop when dry ice is added?

Because, the dry ice releases gases that build within the closed container, and when there is too much presure, the container pops.