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bering strait

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Q: When prehistoric people first came to america they crossed over a land bridge the present name of that crossing point is the?
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When prehistoric people first came to America they crossed over a land bridge the present name of that crossing is the?

bering strait

Did prehistoric people migrate to the Americas during the Paleolithic Era?

Yes they did, in order to go to the Americas they crossed over a land bridge between Russia and Alaska(present day).

Is there a way to write star-crossed in present tense?

Sure! "Star-crossed" can be written in present tense as "they are star-crossed."

Early Americans crossed the land bridge from Asia to present day?

yes, it's thoght that people from present day Asia crossed the land bridge (from present day Russia to what's now Alaska) in search of food and land

What prehistoric dinosaur evoled into the present-day rhino?

No one. Dinos did not evolve into rhinos.

Is this sentence correct for present tense Look. They all are looking both ways before crossing?

The sentence, "They all are looking both ways before crossing?" uses the verb "look" in the present progressive(alternatively called the "present continuous") tense. The corresponding simple present tense sentence would be "They look both ways before crossing".

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The Puritans crossed the Atlantic and came to the present-day United States in order to practice their religion without interference from the Church of England.

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The most, obviuous answer to this question is: Caves

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they where a lot bigger trust me

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What prehistoric animal is related to a bird?

Some dinosaurs started to have feathers, which evolved into the present day bird.

What is a possibilityof how people came to America?

People most likely came to "America" via the land bridge called Beringia that used to be present connecting modern day Russia and Alaska. It is debated what year the first people crossed that land bridge, but it is typically accepted to be about 10,000 BCE.