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Right - rain absorns atmospheric CO2 to become slightly acid.

When this water percolates through discontinuities in limestone, the rock is dissolved by this carbonic acid (an example of chemical weathering), and over time the conduits this creates enlarge and coalesce to form caves.

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Q: When rain soaks aways rock below the ground to form caves are called?
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When rain soaks away rock below the ground to form caves is chemical weathering has occurred?


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Joule is a solid rock the comes from caves and below the ground . they also shine and sometimes see throw

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In the ground.

When rain soaks away rock below the ground to from caves what has occurred?

plates +++ Pardon? Chemical weathering, provided the rock can be dissolved by ground water, limiting it to limestone and gypsum.

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Karst caves, and it is the majority of caves; formed by acidic ground-water dissolving the limestone.

Are all caves underground?

Yes, caves are natural underground spaces. They are formed through various geological processes, such as the dissolution of limestone or the erosion of volcanic rock. Caves can vary in size and shape, and they often have unique ecosystems and geological formations inside them.

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The study of caves is called speleology. Speleologists study the physical characteristics, formation, and geological context of caves, as well as the flora and fauna that inhabit them.

What is a fear of caves called?

The fear of caves in phobia dictionary is called Speluncaphobia.