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Q: When reading a Fat Free Milk label the number of fat grams you can expect to see is?
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How many grams are there in a tin of tomato puree?

depends on the volume of the can? you didnt think about that? how about reading the label? jesus christ man

When do manufactures label packages with liters or milliliters and when do they label them with grams?

For no reason

What label is used for mass?


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You can find the ESN number on a Sidekick LX by removing the battery and reading the label. It is a unique number which identifies the phone on the network.

How many grams in 1 lb of hamburger meat?

It depends on the meat from which the hamburger was made. The label in the store should tell you what percentage is not fat. Multiply that percentage by 4.54. Subtract that number from 454. The result will be the number of grams of fat in your 1lb bag. Note. you can't rely on high accuracy for the "percentage" on the label. Remember that hamburger is often made in the back of the store, and it's done by butchers, not scientists.

What does 1 tablespoon of baking powder equal in grams?

It depends on the density of the particular brand of baking powder you are using. The best way to determine the weight in grams is using division: look at the baking powder container's label to determine how many grams is contained in the entire package, and divide that number by the number of tablespoons in the container. The result will be the number of grams of baking powder per tablespoon.

How many grams of sugar is in a single serving of coke?

Per the label..27 grams in 8oz.

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Colored label holders are indeed available in the market. These label holders are primarily magnetic and come in a limColored magnetic label holders. Here is a site with an example of what you can expect to find. | Shop colored magnetic label number of colors.

What metric unite is used to label the volume of a sold?


Can you get into a program for your diabetse you need help with label reading?


How many teaspoons of sugar in 1 litter blackcurrant?

you can try by reading the label and doing a lil mathTeaspoon white sugar = 4 gramsTablespoon white sugar = 12 gramsCup white sugar = 192 grams

Is red dye number 3 an ingredient of coca cola?

You can easily answer this yourself by reading the label, I did.No, the only color added to coca-cola is caramel.