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Reinforcement should be consistently applied immediately after the desired behavior is exhibited. The reinforcement should be meaningful to the individual in order to increase the likelihood of the behavior being repeated. It's important to provide reinforcement intermittently to prevent habituation and maintain motivation.

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Q: When reinforcement is used to modify behavior it must be done how?
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How do the four schedules of reinforcement work?

The four schedules of reinforcement are fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, and variable interval. Fixed ratio provides reinforcement after a set number of responses, variable ratio provides reinforcement after a variable number of responses, fixed interval provides reinforcement after a set amount of time has passed, and variable interval provides reinforcement after a variable amount of time has passed. These schedules can influence the frequency and consistency of behavior.

Strategic applications of instrumental conditioning?

Instrumental conditioning can be strategically applied in various ways, such as training animals, shaping behavior in humans, treating phobias or addictions, and improving productivity in organizations through reinforcement schedules and positive reinforcement techniques. By systematically reinforcing desired behaviors and extinguishing undesired ones, instrumental conditioning can effectively modify behavior and promote learning in a variety of contexts.

What a learned behavior is?

A learned behavior in not instinctive but must be taught or acquired through learning.

Why is punishment not effective tool of correcting the behavior of employees at the workplace?

Punishment may create negative emotions, fear, and resentment among employees, leading to decreased morale and motivation. It may not address the root cause of the behavior and can result in employees becoming more focused on avoiding punishment rather than understanding the desired behavior. Positive reinforcement and constructive feedback are often more effective in promoting long-term behavioral change in the workplace.

Who said your understanding of behavior must include an understanding of observable behavior as well as cognitive processes?

Albert Bandura, a psychologist known for his work in social learning theory and social cognitive theory, emphasized the importance of understanding both observable behavior and cognitive processes in influencing behavior. Bandura's research highlighted the interplay between environmental influences, personal factors, and cognitive processes in shaping behavior.

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How do the four schedules of reinforcement work?

The four schedules of reinforcement are fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, and variable interval. Fixed ratio provides reinforcement after a set number of responses, variable ratio provides reinforcement after a variable number of responses, fixed interval provides reinforcement after a set amount of time has passed, and variable interval provides reinforcement after a variable amount of time has passed. These schedules can influence the frequency and consistency of behavior.

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Yes it can be done if the beneficiary agrees. The document must be executed by both the parties to be valid.

Strategic applications of instrumental conditioning?

Instrumental conditioning can be strategically applied in various ways, such as training animals, shaping behavior in humans, treating phobias or addictions, and improving productivity in organizations through reinforcement schedules and positive reinforcement techniques. By systematically reinforcing desired behaviors and extinguishing undesired ones, instrumental conditioning can effectively modify behavior and promote learning in a variety of contexts.

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How was Mariah Carey behavior in school?

Must've been good, as you can see she's rich and famous so she must have done good.

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No. Insolent must modify a noun, as an insolent child.

How might the principles of operant conditioning help keep superstitions alive?

Operant conditioning can help keep superstitions alive through reinforcement. If a person receives a positive outcome after performing a superstitious behavior (e.g., wearing a lucky charm and then winning a game), they are more likely to continue the behavior in the belief that it is causing the positive outcome. Over time, this reinforcement can strengthen the association between the superstitious behavior and the positive outcome, perpetuating the superstition.

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Ask him the reasons for his behavior. The must be reasons for his behavior.