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Q: When room is 70 degree Fahrenheit what would it be on a celsius thermometer?
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If the thermometer reads thirty degrees Celsius what would the thermometer read in Fahrenheit?

30 degrees Celsius = 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

Why do Fahrenheit sides has more numbers than the Celsius sides?

1 degree Celsius is equal to 9/5 degrees Fahrenheit. Or it is easier to think that one degree Celsius is approximately two degrees Fahrenheit. So, if one has a thermometer that reads both Fahrenheit and Celsius, one would expect about twice the range of numbers on the Fahrenheit side, as well as potentially having more numbers marked on the scale.

If a thermometer indicates 20 degrees Fahrenheit then what would the temperature be in Celsius?

20 degrees Fahrenheit = minus 6.6 degrees Celsius.

What si unit of measurement would a scientist for temperature of a sick child?

The temperature of a sick dog is measured in Celsius degrees.But the official unit in SI is kelvin (K).

Are Celsius half Fahrenheit?

Fahrenheit = (Celsius x 9/5) + 32) = (1 x 9/5) + 32 = 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit However a change in temperature of 1 degree Celsius would be equivalent to a change of 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit

What would an indoor thermometer range usually be?

50 degree Fahrenheit to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Which is the temperature that Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometer would read as the same number?

-40o C

Which temperature would be more comfortable for most people 80 Fahrenheit or 80 celsius?

Is Fahrenheit better than Celsius 80 degree

How hot does 100 degree water feel to touch?

It depends on whether you are talking fahrenheit or celsius. Fahrenheit would be warm to the touch. Celsius would burn your fingers.

How do you you calculte Celsius into Fahrenheit?

you would multiply the number times 3....... for example,, like 20 degrees celsius equals to 60 degree fahrenheit...................

Which is colder 160 degree fahrenheits or 100 degree Celsius?

160 degrees Fahrenheit.....because water boils at 100 degrees celsius so to be equivalent in temperature it would have to be 212 degrees Fahrenheit (where water boils).

What is 130 degree Celsius in Fahrenheit?

130 oF = 54.44 oCTemperature is easy to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius yourself. You can use the formula Tc = (5/9)*(Tf-32) where Tc = temperature in degrees Celsius, Tf = temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. 130 F is 54 C.