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they are looking for the answers to the problem

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Q: When scientists are evaluating what are they doing?
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Related questions

How is mathematics used in evaluating data?

Scientists can evaluate the mathematical calculations of others.

What values do scientists often use when evaluating data sets?

Those that are statistically significant.

What are scientists doing to collect data?

They are proving their work so that other scientists know what they are doing.

Which scientist evualuted the pi value?

Lots of scientists have worked on evaluating pi. The question needs to be a little ,ore specific.

What are six skills scientists use use to learn about the world?

Observing, infering, classifying, making models, predicting, and evaluating.

How do scientists find things out?

Scientists find things out by doing experiments.

Is evaluating existing programs important in a society with a large bureaucracy?

NO, bcuz gov't has no clue wat they are doing

What are modern scientists doing now?

they are bludging and slacking off, that's what they are doing.

What are the scientific steps in solving a problem?

There are five main scientific steps in solving a problem. They are observing, forming hypotheses, testing hypotheses, analyzing data, and evaluating results. During the observing process, scientists make observations and examine prior research. While forming a hypothesis or hypotheses (plural form) scientists ask questions and try to explain the observations. In the process of testing the hypotheses. scientists collect data that they use to support or reject a hypothesis. Analyzing data is when scientists analyze their data to draw conclusions about their research. finally evaluating results, scientists evaluate the data and conclusions presented by other scientists. This a cycle that keeps going on and on.

Why are scientists doing pointless stuff when they should be finding cures for cancer?

Because the stuff that scientists do aren't pointless.

What are scientists doing to try to find a cure for Ebola?


What have scientists looked for in the past while doing research?
