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False. Use an asterisk.

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Q: When searching for a file if you know only a portion of a files name can you use an apostrophe in the name to represent the remaining characters?
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The remaining horcruxes.

What is a wildcard query?

It is a query that uses the wildcard characters * or ? to help represent characters. Wildcards are used as ways to represent things in many aspects of computers when you are searching for things. The * can stand for any amount of characters and the ? stands for one character. So if you wanted to list all the people whose names began with the letter C, your criteria could be C* and then only names starting with C would be shown. If you wanted to show people whose names had 4 letters you could have ???? in as the criteria.

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Try Google-images searching them.

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Simply Google searching "How to draw FMA characters" brings up many good results, as well as several step-by-step videos.

Is there 2 minutes good transcript for 2 characters?

Yes, there are two minute good transcripts for two characters. You can find copies of different transcripts at your local library or by searching transcript sites online.

What is the name of the animated film where the main character was searching for a flower to cure their sick child?

Do you have any more details about the movie? Where the characters animals or humans? If the characters were mice, it sounds like it could be the Secret of Nymn.

Pictures of the main characters in wind in the willows?

I'm unable to provide pictures as I can't browse the internet. However, you can easily find images of the main characters from "Wind in the Willows" by searching online or checking the book's illustrations. The main characters are Mole, Rat, Toad, and Badger.

Which wild card character is used to replace several unknown characters when searching for files on a Windows system?