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Kratom is heavily promoted as a legal, undetectable, safe drug that can be used to come off stronger drugs. It is not yet illegal in the US but the breakdown products of kratom can be detected with some drug tests. If you want a test for that you would need to ask for it.

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Q: When sending urine to a lab for testing do you have to request to test for kratom?
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Will kratom show on urine test?

All-natural Kratom does not show up on a drug test unless someone is specifically testing for the alkaloids that are contained with it. As far as anyone knows, not a single entity is currently doing this at this point in time. Therefore, Kratom does not share anything in common with anything else that might be tested for under 99.9999% of all circumstances. However, it is advisable that you stick with Kratom that has not been adulterated by other garbage and can be guaranteed to be all-natural, from vendors such as Kratom Wellness and the others. Whatever you do, never buy extracts, tinctures, or other ridiculous stuff!!

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Yes, urine can be stored in the fridge before lab testing. In fact, urine is always supposed to be stored in cooler temperatures for testing. This prevents the growth of bacteria in the urine.

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Urine, when stored in an air tight container, free from contamination and help under constant specified temperature can be used for drug testing over a lengthy time period. Frozen urine can be kept indefinitely for testing.

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