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Q: When shingles scab over are they contagious?
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Is shingles contagious before the rash breaks out?

Shingles cannot be transmitted from person to person but the chicken box virus that causes shingles can be passed on to someone who has never contracted the shingles virus before. When the shingles rash has developed it is contagious but is not likely to be passed to another person if it is covered up.

Can you get shingles from shingles if you have had shingles before?

No. Shingles is not contagious, but someone with shingles can give chicken pox or varicella to someone who has not had chicken pox before.

How do you know shingles are healing?

A cold sore is a lesion that forms around the oral area and the most common etiologic microbe is the herpes simplex virus. One is no longer contagious once the lesion crusts over and fades away - usually a 7-10 day process.

Are shingles contagious if you don't touch the sores?


What grows over a wound as. It heals?

A scab

Can the shingles vaccine be contagious to others?

When the blisters are open, with weeping, they are contagious, just like the chicken pox. It is extremely important to stay away from elderly people, infants and small children, pregnant women, and anyone who has never had the chicken pox while the shingles are in their contagious stage. Once the shingles have scabbed over, you are less likely to pass it on.

What grows over a wound as it heals change one letter?

A scab grows over the wound and then heals.

Can you have shingles in the mouth?

No shingles of the mouth is not contagious. Shingles is not contagious in any form. The virus that causes shingles however, can cause chicken pox.

How long after a cold sore scab is gone are you contagious for?

You are contagious while you have any signs or symptoms of a break out. After the sore has healed wait 4-6 days then you shouldn't be as contagious as you were during a break out.

Can you sleep in the same bed with someone who has shingles?

Shingles is a herpes virus know as chicken pox (herpes zoster) when it occurs as a child. When it reoccurs in an adult it is called shingles. Chicken pox is contagious but Shingles is not contagious if you had Chicken pox as a child. The most dangerous effect of herpes zoster is when the lesions occur on your retina.

Will vaccination guarantee that I won't get shingles?

Shingles is a contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which also causes chickenpox. Symptoms include a . Prevention and Shingles Vaccine.

Is shingles contagious through handling the laundry of someone with open sores?
