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The day it's born. Seriously, halter breaking is a lot easier when your foal is already used to humans. As soon as it's born, rub it all over, touch it everywhere and talk to it. This will "imprint" the foal and make handling it much easier. Every day, go play with the foal, put the halter on and off, touch it all over, get it used to the lead rope, etc. Then just try light tugging on the halter, as soon as it moves even one step forwards, release the pressure to reward the foal. Then ask for 2 steps, 3, etc and soon you will have a nicely halter-broke filly or colt :)

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15y ago
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14y ago

Foals brought up around people usually get used to people being around them, and it is easier for them to trust humans for when they are broken to halter. However foals that have hardly any human contact from birth can cause quite a stir if you try to break them in to halter suddenly. This can also have problems in later life for them because that is their first experience in human contact.

If you have a foal that your planning to break in to halter, try to spend as much time as possible with the youngster before you break it in. I breed Shetland ponies, so they are very small and easy to handle, however horse foals are much bigger and much stronger than they look so be prepared!!

I usually break in my foals to halter when they are 3-4months old. Before this i spend as much time as possible with the foal, and i let them smell the leadrope and halter to get them used to the sights of it.

When you do get the halter on the foal be prepared, but remember to not back down. They will be stubborn, push or pull you and probally drag you where THEY want to go, but remind them that YOU are the boss, not them. The first couple of sessions you have with them on halter may make you feel like your the bad person pulling them around, but trust me this will pay off.

Right now i have got a 27" shetland foal who i broke in when she was 4 months. I did feel really bad dragging her around and it was quite upsetting, but now shes perfect on the halter and follows me everywhere without the halter!!

Please write back saying how you got on (if you have a foal!) and i hope this information was very helpful to you (: saty231 (:

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13y ago

I would suggest beginning that training at around the age of six months. But note that a foal should definitely be halter-broke by the time they are one year old.

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15y ago

You can start as soon as you want - getting a horse used to wearing a halter is not something that they need to grow into.

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Q: When should a foal begin halter breaking?
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When should a foal begin its halter breaking on Howrse?

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When should a foal begin halter breaking on Howrse?

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Halter Breaking is when you teach a foal or unhandled horse to be led on the halter.

When should a foal begin its halter breaking?

EDIT BY RUBYRACER: The answer for the Howrse Riding Test #9 is The First Month.At the age of two I believe.You should put a halter on a foal as soon as possible for short periods of time to get it used to it. Once it seems comfortable with the halter, you should begin leading it on a lead line next to the mother when you take them out to pasture or bring them inside. Just remember, foals are very impressionable, so be very careful not to scare them, and make sure it is a pleasant experience.

When should a foal begin to wearing halter?

Hi. I would suggest getting a halter on them starting from day one. I have raised a few colts now and they all benefit in the long run when I get halters on them as soon as possible. Just putting the halter on and off getting them used to it is enough.

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You can teach a foal how to lunge in its first year. This can be taught along with halter breaking, leading, bathing,clipping,loading.

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halter it at seven weeks, train about close to one years, mother should start to wean by herself

At what age should you start foal getting use to a halter?

around 1 -2 monthhs before you can put somthing over there head but if you want to break it in you will have to wait 3 years

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Trimming and filing should begin at exactly one month of age for a foal.

What should start within 10 minutes of horse birth?

After a foal is born, the amniotic sack should break if it hasn't already. The foal should begin breathing on its own and begin to try to rise. The cord will break on its own or when the mare rises. All this usually happens in the first few minutes after birth.

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The mare should begin producing milk shortly before the foal is born. A foal generally stands within an hour or so after birth, and the mare should already have plenty of milk for him.

When does a foal first eat hay or grass?

Foals will begin nibbling at hay or grass soon relatively soon in life. Some will begin nibbling at or even eating it at a month old, some even sooner than this. By three months old the foal should be receiving foal specific feeds and quality hay along with it's mothers milk.