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After a foal is born, the amniotic sack should break if it hasn't already. The foal should begin breathing on its own and begin to try to rise. The cord will break on its own or when the mare rises. All this usually happens in the first few minutes after birth.

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Q: What should start within 10 minutes of horse birth?
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How long should a horse be in labor?

After the mare's water breaks the foal should appear within 20 minutes. If this does not happen a veterinarian should be called.

How long does it take for a baby horse to stand after birth?

The Mares(the mom) are able to get up right after birth, if no complications. The foals range anywhere from 45 minutes to 120 minutes sometimes longer..depends if he/she came on time or was a preemie baby.

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The young female horse (filly) will start her heat cycles sometime between her first and second birthday. After she turns two she can be bred by the stallion. Once breeding takes place is the mare (adult female) will either get pregnant or she will go back into heat within a week or two. Once pregnant, the mare should give birth about 11 months later. Birthing for horses is relatively short, and the foal (baby horse) should stand and nurse within an hour, most within minutes.

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Providing there was no complications with the gelding procedure or infection after surgery your horse should be feeling better after a couple of weeks. Don't over-exert him on the first few rides after gelding.

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A horse usually learns to walk within a few hours of its birth and learns to Trot within a day of its birth.

How long after birth before a horse can stand?

After birth, the sooner a foal gets on his feet and begins to nurse, the better. Some get up almost immediately, some take longer. Most vets say that if they are not up after an hour or so there may be a problem and if the vet is not already there it may be a good idea to call and get advise.

How much should you exercise your horse?

This depends on the age and health of the horse and what you use it for. However, I think that if you want your horse to be 'fit' then you should be riding it several times a week for at least 30 minutes.

How long does it take a horse to breed after birth?

She should cycle in 21 days

How often should you soak the hoofs of a horse and for how long?

Daily for 20-30 minutes

How long is too long for a horse to be ridden?

If it is a young inexperienced horse who needs more training yet, ride it and work with it as much as possible. An older experienced horse doesn't need to be ridden as much. Younger horses, if kept out in the field for long periods of time can get rusty and then will need to be trained over again.

How long should you walk a veteran horse for?

Proberly about twenty minutes. It depends on the age of your horse try giving your vet a ring ;D