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Egg laying chickens are more valuable as egg layers than broilers or meat birds, as their egg production outstrips their meat potential.

However, once a hen is too old, she is better for the stew pot as her egg production slows and then nearly ceases.

For most hens, this will be at about three years of age.

For more information, see "How can you tell if a hen is old," below.

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Q: When should an egg laying chicken optimally be butchered?
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Can you show me a diagram of chicken egg laying cycle?

There are a few places to find a diagram of chicken egg laying cycle. The local library should be a good place to look.

When should you begin feeding your chickens laying mash?

You should begin feeding your chickens Laying Mash at between 18 and 20 weeks. Laying Mash is a special type of chicken feed.

How old does a chicken have to be to ley eggs?

At approx. 5 months or 20 weeks your chicken should start laying eggs.

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Inside chicken coops, for egg laying purposes, one should have nests for the chicken to lay eggs, perches for the birds to sit on when they are not laying eggs, and a supplemental light source to keep on (whenever there is not natural sunlight), because the chickens will continue to lay eggs as long as they think it is daytime.

Should chicken have food all day?

A fat chicken will quit laying and if you give them feed all day, they will eat all day.Even more so in close confinment.

How long do sebrite eggs stay fertile after laying?

well it depends if the chicken is taking care of it it will stay fertile if the mom chicken is not then you should take the eggs and hhatch them yourself they will die at night when it is cold if the mom is not taking care of them

If your chicken is having chicks should you lift her eggs?

There really is no need. The hen will turn them herself when she's laying on them. She won't let you touch them anyway when she's sitting on them.

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It truly depends on the dream! If it was like, eating chicken, then I guess thats alright.. But if its like... chickens laying eggs or something... you should get that checked out....

Should you feed a laying chicken just be for bed?

A small amount of feed should be given to hold the bird overnight especially in cold months. Allow for access to fresh water overnight as well.

How should the upper body be position when targeting the middle deltoids optimally exercise?

bent over

What age should the Rhode Island chicken be taken off chick stater?

Same as any other dual purpose or laying breed; usually from 4-6 months.

How much should a chicken eat a day?

Buy a bag of laying crumble or pellets (it's okay for roosters, too) and a 7 lb feeder at your local tractor supply or other farm store. Fill the feeder as needed and buy more when you run out. In the winter, buy the laying pellets and some cracked corn. The corn helps them put on weight to keep them warm.