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when girls a first time sex any one that shuld be blood come out

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Q: When should blood come out of a girls vagina?
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Related questions

Where does the blood form your period come out?

During menstruation the blood comes out via your vagina. Blood comes out of the uterus, passes through the cervix, then exits via your vagina - if menstruating you really should know how this process occurs.

What hole does the blood from a period come out of?

The Vagina

What is it called when blood come's out of a female's vagina?


Are girls' vaginal secretions just urine?

No. Urine does not come out the vagina. The vagina has glands which secrete lubrication.

Is it normal to have drops of blood come out of vagina while pregnant?


Where in the girl's body does the period blood come out?

Your Vagina From the vaginal orifice.

How menstruation come through hymen?

Your hymen should have an opening in it, allowing the menses to flow out of the vagina. If it is imperforated, it will not have an opening and must be surgically opened to allow fluids to escape.

Why Do girls fart?

It is from air being trapped inside of the vagina, obviously it has to come out at some stage.

Does period blood and implantation blood smell the same?

i would imagine so as they both come from the vagina. and it is still the wall of the vagina coming away however it is a smaller amount with implantation

Is it normal to have a little bit of blood come out of vagina on the next day after you had sex?

no. that may mean that you could probably have a vaginal infection. you should go to the doctor and revise your self.

Why do some red substance come from female's vagina?

Its called blood!!it comes out wheb their on their period lol.

What would happen if you don't allow your menstruating blood to come out of your vagina?

It'll rot inside you and make you sick.