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When they are financially able or not physically capable of working.

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Q: When should people made to retire should there be a compulsory retirement age?
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Why should you retire?

retirement could be the best time of your life if you have prepared for it.

Why worry about retirement when every worker pay into social security?

You should worry about retirement even though every workers pays into Social Security. The government says they are running out of money to give to people when they retire.

What is the percent of people saying that PE should be compulsory?

94% of pupils in the world think that P.E should be compulsory.

Should retirement be compulsory at 65 years of age?

i don't think so because some of the people at the of 65 and above cannot continue their job because maybe some of them get a serious illness

Why should people watch Paranormal Activity?

It is for entertainment but it is not compulsory to watch it.

How much money should I have in my retirement investment?

The amount you will need in retirement depends on your goals and needs in retirement. Whether you want to retire, how much your monthly expenses are, whether you want to leave something for your grandchildren- All these are factor you must consider.

How much should one have saved for their retirement pension?

It is generally recommended to have saved about 10-12 times your current annual income by the time you retire. This will help ensure you have enough funds to maintain your lifestyle during retirement. It is also important to consider factors like your planned retirement age, life expectancy, and any additional sources of income. Consulting with a financial advisor can provide personalized guidance based on your specific circumstances.

Where can I find the best retirement planner and necessary financial tools?

You can get the best advice and retirement planner tools available by talking to a consultant at your bank. Bank consultants have the most current information about when you should retire, and how much money you should plan to have.

What is the retirement age from 2011?

There is no longer a retirement age from 2011, so you can choose when to retire. This applied to everyone unless you reach 65 before the 30th of September 2011 and have already agreed to retire then with your employer. The law on retirement over-rides any employment contract clauses you may have agreed to and your employer should update their employment contracts following this change in law

What services does Retirement Planners offer their customers?

Retirement Planners make sure one will be ready and prepared to retire. Being ready may involve money, or personal choices. One should be careful and dilligent when choosing a retirement planner. Research is a must.

At what age should someone start using a retirement planning calculator?

The sooner you start to think about your retirement, the better off you will be when it arrives. Retirement calculators can be good tools to help you determine how much you need to save or at what age you will be able to retire given what you are saving.

How much should you save monthly for your retirement funds?

If you are looking to retire comfortably within the next 20 years or so, you need to start saving about $2000 per month. This will give you the leverage needed for retirement.