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Q: When should the term mayday be used on a VHF marine radio?
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When operating a VHF marine radio when should be term mayday be used?

When in imminent danger

When operating VHF marine radio when should the term MAYDAY be used?

When in imminent danger

When operating a vhf marine radio when should the term mayday be used?

Mayday is a distress call for help. It is used in a life threatening emergency and should be given three times in a row to be sure it is understood in the case of noisy or broken up communications.

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Marine archaeology is the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation and analysis of artifacts and other physical remains found in and around bodies of water, such as oceans, seas, and rivers. It focuses on understanding ancient civilizations, maritime trade, shipwrecks, and other submerged cultural heritage sites.

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When a Marine "drops pack," it means his term of service is over.

What is a mayday message?

The mayday call needs to include these important elements: nature of distress, location, who you are, total number of passengers, and any known injuries. "Mayday, mayday, mayday, This is United States vessel Lady Diane calling all stations. Mayday, mayday, mayday, This is captain John Smith of vessel Lady Diane taking on water with three adult males aboard. No Injuries at this time. Location is North 168.12.25; West 78.62.12 [GPS reference]; about 24 miles southeast of Cape Maintown lighthouse [landmark reference]. Mayday, mayday, mayday." Repeat until an response is received, or until you have to abandon ship. Once contact is made, additional details can be relayed as requested, such as: "Yes, we are sinking. We are a 34-foot Chapparel, white hull, port of call is Maintown. We are abandoning ship at this point with one life raft. No EPIRB aboard."

What does BAM marine stand for?

The term "BAM" is a derogatory term which stands for "Broad Assed Marine" and is used in reference to Women Marines.

Why do people say may day when they need help?

The word mayday comes from the French term "venez m'aider, or m'aidez" which means "come (and) help me".The recommended distress call format includes the word mayday spoken three times, followed by the vessel's name or callsign, also spoken three times, then mayday and the name or callsign again. Vital information, including the position, nature of the emergency, assistance required and the number of people on board, should follow. A typical message might be:MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, this is Nonsuch, Nonsuch, Nonsuch. MAYDAY, Nonsuch. Position 54 degrees 25 minutes North, 016 degrees 33 minutes West. My boat is on fire and sinking. I require immediate assistance. 4 people on board, are taking a lifeboat. OVER.

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The African Luhya term for the English word 'radio' is Iredio.

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radio content