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Add the cue once your dog has learned to perform a behavior to your satisfaction.

If your dog is reliably responding to your hand signal for "down" (reliably = 8/10 times), add the verbal cue in this order to create an association to the sound "down" and the behavior your dog has already learned:

  1. Say the verbal cue, "Down"
  2. Show the hand signal
  3. Praise/reward when your dog performs correctly

Keep the verbal cue and the hand signal SEPARATE, or your dog may become dependent on seeing them in combination to perform correctly. With enough consistency and repetition, your dog will learn to associate the sound "down" with the behavior you want!

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Q: When should you add a cue to a behavior in dog training?
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Why should you never repeat a cue when training a dog?

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What is habitual reinforcement?

Habitual behavior is behavior that you do regularly and routinely. The behavior is comfortable and rewarding so it is easy for people to repeat it. A change in a situation or a cue typically starts the behavior.

Is it legal to have add on attached to a cue to adjust its weight?

Simply, yes :)

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What is the purpose of a cue case?

A cue case is for carrying cues for billiard games. The case should be hard wearing and should serve the purpose of transporting any jointed pool or snooker cue.

What is extincting behavior?

You are looking for the term Extinction. the conditioning phenomenon in which a previously learned response to a cue is reduced when the cue is presented in the absence of the previously paired aversive or appetitive stimulus. Google coulda told you that.

What is the cue for punishment or threat system?

The purpose of the threat system is to inhibit ongoing behavior and stop us from getting hurt.

What kind of cue ball is used for a coin operated American pool table?

It most likely uses the magnetic cue ball and this should be tried first. If it is not captured, this is the correct cue ball. If it is captured, the table will require using the oversize cue ball.

What size ball should you get if you are a novice?

It has to be assumed that you are referring to purchase of a cue ball. There are no choices for cue ball size for normal play. The larger cue ball is intended only for use on coin operated tables.

How do you straighten the shaft of a billiard cue?

To straighten the shaft of a billiard cue, you can use a cue straightening tool that applies pressure to correct any bends or warps. Another method is to gently heat the cue with a heat source and then manually straighten it using pressure. It's essential to be careful and avoid applying too much pressure to prevent damage to the cue.

Can you fit a snooker tip in a pool cue?

No. The typical snooker cue tips are much smaller than the typical pool cue tips. So, you can fit a pool cue tip to a snooker cue, but not a snooker cue tip on a pool cue.