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you ussually should wait about 6~7 days because the can catch a harmfull desease

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Q: When should you allow your female dog go outside after having puppies?
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How long should female dog be in haven puppies?

Do you mean how old should a dog be before having puppies? If so, I generally recommend that they are at least 18 months. If you are asking how long should they be, there is no criteria, that I am aware of, for this. SYong, DVM

What should you do when your female boxer has gave birth to her puppies and the father what happens to him-?

You should separate the father from the female boxer and the puppies once she gives birth.

Should you get male or female puppies?

it depends on what family is looking.

What should you do when your female boxer has gave birth to her puppies and the father what happens to him?

The father needs to be separated from the female boxer and the puppies once she gives birth.

Should puppies at 2weeks old be outside in heat?

not for too long

Why do dogs pee on floors?

When they're puppies they can't control their bladder. But, when they're not puppies anymore, they're just not getting outside enough or understanding that they should be going outside.

Why is our dog having problems nursing puppies?

Your dog is a female right? Because if it is, and its having problems nursing, there could be multiple reasons for this. If, for your dog, it is the first time having puppies, it oughter know instinctively what to do, and you should consult a breeder or a vet. They may need to do a number of bonding like things to get the mother to accept them as she may of rejected them at birth.

Should i get a female or male dog?

you should get a female if you want it to have puppies or you should get a male if you want to play with your dog all the time i have a male dog

When your dog is having puppies is it advisable for other dogs be around the puppies?

NO other dogs should be around the pregnet dog :o)

Should you separate female pit bull from male during delivery of puppies?

Yes! The father of my dogs puppies tried to eat his own children!

What age is best for your dog to have puppies?

You should not breed your female until she has had her 2nd or 3rd heat.

Why should dogs be spayed?

Spaying keeps them healthier, cleaner and prevents them from having puppies,