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You're symptoms of pregnancy include: missed period, fatigue, swollen and or tender breasts, mood swings, flu like symptoms, nausea, implantation bleeding (slightly different than a period) etc. Not all women will experience pregnancy symptoms so if you do suspect you might be pregnant, you should take a test rather than relying solely on symptoms. Not all women do experience a missed period during the first few weeks of pregnancy, so again, it is important to use other determinations of pregnancy other than symptoms. It is important for you to confirm your pregnancy as soon as possible to ensure the proper care and safety of you and your new baby. Most of these symptoms will start about two weeks after the first day of your missed period.

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Q: When should you start getting pregnancy sympotoms?
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You can take a pregnancy test two weeks after sex or the day of your expected period. I would suggest taking a pregnancy test to confirm or disconfirm your pregnancy and show him. If you are indeed pregnant, it is best to consult your OB/GYN as soon as possible to start your prenatal care and begin healthy pregnancy habits.

How early can pregnancy symptoms start in women under 18?

The same as for anybody else! 2 weeks after sex is the earliest pregnancy symptoms would appear. However, for most people they do not start getting symptoms until 4-6 weeks after sex.

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The pregnancy symptoms may or may not start by three weeks of conceptions. But the urine test of pregnancy is almost always positive by this time. You can repeat the same after three days, if negative. By that time it should be almost invariably positive.