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At around 8 weeks, anytime before that is too young because the mothers need to teach their young manners and the pups will get out of their biting phase earlier as the mothers will make them know it's wrong.

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Q: When should you take a puppy away from the litter?
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Related questions

Why would a puppy be missing from the litter after 2 weeks?

A puppy could be missing from the litter after two weeks if it has died. The mother dog will take the puppy away from the others.

How old should your English mastiff puppy be when you buy and take it home?

No puppy should be taken away from its Dam and litter mates before it is 7 weeks old. They learn a significant amount about how to interact with other dogs in that time which they can't learn if they are not with their litter mates and mother.

Should you take a dead puppy away straight away?

Yes, a dead puppy will need to be taken straight from the mother. The puppy needs to be disposed of as soon as possible after death.

Why does litter take longer to rot away in antarctica?

Litter never rots away in Antarctica; litter freezes.

How old can you take a puppy away from it's litter if the mother passed away after the birth?

If the mother has passed away, you probably can take it from the litter a day after the mom passes away, but be aware caring for a newborn puppy without the mother is very VERY hard work that shouldn't be taken lightly. The puppy may die without the proper care or special needs such as special milk formula and needing to be fed very often with many sleepless nights. I wouldn't recommend getting a puppy like that unless you are trained to care for it and know what you're doing. NOT FOR FIRST TIME DOG OWNERS!!!! It is better to keep the litter together until weaned if possible.

How do you take care of a puppy that is already weak and tiny?

we can take care puppies by taking care of them . Keep the puppy warm, if it is a really young puppy you should try feeding it puppy milk through a bottle. House the puppy in a dog bed, away from draughts and keep fresh food and water nearby.

When do you take puppy pads away?

i dont even know what that is :)

By using reusable stuff what percent of litter does it take away?


If you bought a Golden Retriever that is still a puppy, how should you take care of it?

How you take care of a regular puppy

How long can you take vacation away from puppy?

You cannot leave a puppy while you go off on any length vacation. Even a weekend away is animal cruelty. Get someone to take the dog for you.

What should you do if your puppy has parasites?

Take him to the vet.

What do you feed a motherless puppy at 3 weeks?

Very carefully. i think that you should feed the puppy milk but to make sure what you should really feed a motherless puppy take it to a vet doctor or call one and they can tell you the right thing to feed your puppy! so take care with what you feed the puppy before you take the puppy to a vet