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Q: When singing scales in the key of C what note is ''me''?
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when singing scales in the key of C what note is TE?

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When singing scales in the key of c what note is la?

it is the note "A".A.

When singing scales in the key of c what note is so?

In the key of C, "Sol" (you referred to it as "so"), is G.

When singing scales in the key of C what note is fa?

Fa is the 4th scale-degree of both the C major and minor scales.

When singing in scales of c what note is re?

the note of "D" :)

When singing scales in the key of c what note is TI?

Ti is the seventh note in a major scale (do re mi fa so la TI do). In the key of C, the Ti note would be B.

When singing scales of C what is so?

In they key of C Major, sol would be the note G. Do (C) Re (D) Mi (E) Fa (F) Sol (G) La (A) Ti (B) Do (C).

Do the other major keys have the same home tone as the key of c?

If you mean the same key-note, the simple answer is 'no'. A home tone is the note a particular scale starts on; for example - in the Ab major scale, Ab is the keynote and in the key of D major the key-note is D. The only common scales with C as a home tone are C major, C minor harmonic, C minor melodic, C minor (natural), C blues scale etc.

What is the Second note on musical scale?

You can have a musical scale starting anywhere you like. On the piano, the simplest scale is C major, in which the second note is D. In all major and minor scales, you can find the second note by moving up two semitones from the first note (C-C#-D or G-G#-A)

What are the 12 major scales for in order?

There are actually 15 major scales: C Major (the neutral key) and 7 sharp keys and 7 flat keys. The key with the most sharps is C# Major, where every note has a sharp. Likewise, the flattest key is Cb Major, where every note has a flat. People say there are 12 keys because three of these sound the same as three other keys (in 12 tone equal temperament, that is). Anyway, the progression of keys from the flattest to the sharpest key is: Cb, Gb, Db, Ab, Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D, A, E, B, F#, C#

What does pitchy mean?

It's a made-up word that basically means off-key. Although Randy Jackson may think it's a cool word to say, it actually has no real meaning in relation to vocal performances and is probably said to just confuse the singers. What's wrong with saying off-key, or flat, or sharp? These terms are actually more helpful than saying "pitchy" because they actually have explain why the vocal sound is not correct. Off-key means that the singer is not on the correct key that the song was composed in (for example, singing in D major when the song is in C major). Flat means that the singer did not hit the exact note, but sang a half-note or full note lower than intended note (for example, singing a F note instead of an F sharp). Sharp is the opposite, meaning that the singer sang a half-note or full note higher than the intended note (singing a C sharp instead of a C).