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When sperm is weak, what happens is that they are not strong enough to swim up the birth canal to the fallopian tube. This makes fertilization of an egg rather unlikely.

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Q: When sperms is weak what happens?
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Nothing , that's what happens during puberty

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The effect is not supposed to be reproductively significant as the digestive and reproductive systems are not directly linked.

Why are sperms so important?

Sperms are like part of your body muscle. As you realise if you masturbate or others.etc and you waste your sperms your stamina will decrease and your body parts will start to feel weak... Don't worry just do regular exercise to strength your body and as time passes for like 3 to 4 days some of your sperms will regenerate. Hope this helps... :)

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when one sperm penetrates the membrane of an ovum. it will tickens and secrete an enzyms that digest other sperms

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A strong acid is totally dissociated in water; a weak acid is only partially dissociated in water.