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Q: When sugar dissolve in a hot cup of tea is it physical property or chemical property?
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Is sugar a physical property or chemical?

Sugar is a physical property.

Sugar dissolve in water what is the chemical or physical?

Dissolution is a physical process.

Is the ability to dissolve in water a physical property or a chemical property?

Its A physical change. When you boil water under a stove, The water evaporates and the chemical stays in the..pan or whatever you put in it.

Sugar dissolves in tea chemical property or physical property?

Dissolution is a physical process.

Is sugar that changes into alcohol a chemical or physical property?

It is a chemical change

Is burning sugar a chemical or physical property?

Burning sugar is not a property.Burning sugar is a chemical change.The ability to burn, flammability, is a chemical property.

Is melting sugar chemical property?

Melting is a physical change.

What is physical property of salt and sugar?

They are both light colored crystals that dissolve in water.

Is powdering of sugar a physical property?

powdering of sugar is a chemical property because it cannot be converted back into crystalline form

Why is Sugar dissolving in water a chemical property of sugar?

It is a (highly) polar solvent.

Is a plant making sugar out of water and carbon dioxide a physical property?

No. It is a chemical change.

Does a sugar dissolving in water is a physical property?

Yes it is because no chemical reaction occurs during it so it is not chemical.