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Q: When sugar is dissolved in tea the reaction is always accompained by?
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There is no chemical reaction. In maple syrup the sugar is dissolved in water. When the water evaporates the sugar comes out of solution and forms crystals.

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What would a solution of dissolved sugar in water be classified as?

A compound differs from a mixture in that a compound always has a

Does the water level rises when sugar is dissolved in water?

Adding matter to matter with always increase overall volume

Is Sugar is dissolved in tea a chemical or physical change?

It is a chemical change because Sucrose (sugar) when dissolved in water is converted into Glucose and Fructose, and can not be collected back from tea or water.

When sugar is dissolved in water water is called a?

When sugar is dissolved in water, water is called a SOLVENT

When sugar is dissolved in water the sugar is?

The solute.

When sugar is dissolved in water is it a new substance?

No. The SUBSTANCE is still water, only now sugar is dissolved in it.

Is sugar that is dissolved in water homogenouse or heterogenouse?

Anything completely dissolved in anything else always forms a homogeneous mixture also known as a solution. The object that is dissolving is the solute, and the material that dissolves the solute is the solvent.In this case, the sugar is the solute, and the water is the solvent.

What properties do not change when sugar is dissolved in water?

The property of sweetness of sugar does not change when it is dissolved in water. Although sugar becomes invisible in the solution in water.

What is stirred sugar?

It is sugar that is stirred and is dissolved faster than regular sugar.

Why is the sugar is an ex of solution?

Sugar is totally dissolved in water.