

Best Answer

"When summer comes we will take the bus to your house for a week of fun."

The nouns in the sentence are:

  • summer
  • bus
  • house
  • week
  • fun
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Q: When summer comes we will take the bus to your houes for a week of fun where is the noun?
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Is take verb or noun?

The word 'take' is both a verb and a noun.Examples:Dad will take the books back to the library. (verb)You can take that course over the summer. (verb)They filmed that scene in one take. (noun)The take from ticket sales exceeded expectations. (noun)

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Many bugs do that, take mosquitoes for example, they bite u often in the summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The word 'take' is a verb and a noun.A noun can function as an adjective called an attributive noun (or a noun adjunct).For example, the compound nouns 'take out' and 'take away' use the noun 'take' as an attributive noun.

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The noun breath is a countable noun; take a breath, take two breaths.

What is the rule of noun?

Capitalize a proper noun:Golden Gate BridgeCapitalize words derived from proper nouns:I must take English and math.Ps: English is capitalized because it comes from the proper noun England, but math does not come from Mathland.In order for a word to be a noun, it has to be a person, place, or thing.

How frequently does the Summer Olympics take place?

The Summer Olympics take place every four years.

How do you take summer school?

One can take summer school by attending the classes offered at their school. In some schools districts in the United States students can also take summer school classes online.

Is troop of scouts a pronoun?

No, the term 'troop of scouts' is a noun phrase, a group of words (without a verb) based on a noun (scouts). The word 'troop' is a noun functioning as a collective noun to group the scouts as a unit.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.The pronouns that take the place of the noun 'scouts' or the noun phrase 'troop of scouts' is they as a subject and them as an object in a sentence.Examples:A troop of scouts are selling candy to raise money. They want to fund a summer camping trip. We can buy some candy to help them out.

What part of speech is the word take?

"Takes" can be either a verb or a noun. As a verb, it is the third person present tense form of "take". As a noun, it is the plural of "take", meaning the proceeds of some economic transaction.

What is a word that comes before a noun or pronoun and that tells us where the noun or pronoun is?

The demonstrative pronouns take the place of a noun indicating near or far. When placed just before a noun, they act as adjectives. The demonstrative pronouns are: this, these (near); that, those (far). Examples as adjectives: Describing a pronoun: This one is my favorite. That one is mom's favorite. Describing a noun: These books are on the reading list. Those books are optional.