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King Charles and then gave the Netherlands to his brother the Duke of York who then renamed it New York

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Q: When the English fleet took the port of new Amsterdam from the Dutch and established what colony?
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The English fleet took the port of New Amsterdam from the Dutch and established the colony of?

The answer is New York.

When the English oust the dutch from their colony what did they name it?

The Dutch colony of New Amsterdam became the English colony of New York.

What colony was established by the Dutch and is present day New York City?

The Dutch called this colony New Amsterdam.

Which dutch colony was taken over by the English in 1664?

That would have been New Amsterdam. Established by the Dutch on what is now Manhatten. The English renamed it New York.

The Dutch West India Company established what colony?

New Amsterdam.

Use the term colony in a sentence about the dutch?

The Dutch sold their colony of New Amsterdam to the English, and this colony eventually became New York.

Who were the first Europeans to established the colony New York?

The Dutch. The city was named after their own capital Amsterdam: New Amsterdam.

Which grove place the first European colony in what is now New York?

There is some strange English in your question, but New York started out as New Amsterdam, a colony and trading post established by the Dutch.

Was New Amsterdam French or Dutch?

New Amsterdam was a DUTCH colony. founded by Petert Stuyvesant. Subsequently it became New York.

Did the English seize New Amsterdam from the Dutch and name it New York?

New Netherlands is the name of the colony the Dutch established in the New World. It's primary city and default capital was New Amsterdam, which was directly assaulted by the British. The defeat at New Amsterdam forced the Dutch to evacuate any and all colonies in North America.

What country did the New York colony belong to?

Originally New Amsterdam a Dutch Colony it became the English Colony of New York.

Was New York settled peacefully?

The Dutch arrived to colonize the area we call New York. They called it New Amsterdam. When the Duke of York took New Amsterdam from the Dutch barely a shot was fired. The Dutch turned over the colony to the English without a battle and New York was established.