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Q: When the Romans extended their influence to judea who did they leave in charge?
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Why did the Romans destroy Jerusalem?

The Romans destroyed Jerusalem because the Jews of Judea rebelled against their Roman masters.

When was Judea conquered by the Romans?

In 63 BCE by Pompey.

What did the Romans change judaea's name to?

The Province of Judea.

Why did the Romans want to keep peace and order in Judea?

judea paid tribute

When were the Jews pushed out by the Romans and moved to other areas?

They were expelled from the land of Israel in 70 CE. The Romans then renamed their land "Palestine" after the Phillistines (Israel's enemy).Answer:The Romans did not force the Jews out of Judea in a single expulsion. Rather, the Romans expelled them from Jerusalem only; and the rest of Judea lost most of its Jews slowly, over a period of centuries, as conditions in Judea became too harsh. Even then, we have records of Jewish communities who lived in Judea (Palestine) pretty continuously.

In the hebrew bible when was judah conquered by Romans?

No. There is no mention of Romans in the Hebrew Bible. The Romans conquered Judea After the Hebrew Bible was already canonized.

What body of water did the Romans travel to reach Judea?

The Mediterranean Sea.

Was Jesus in the Roman times?

Yes, there were Romans when Jesus was alive. At the time of Jesus, Judea was part of the Roman Empire. It was the Romans who crucified Jesus at the request of the crown in Jerusalem. Crucifixion was a Roman custom

Who forced the Jews to move out of Judea?

The Babylonians in 586AD and the Romans in 135AD hope this helps

What year was Jesus crucified by the Romans in Judea?

Many scholars believe it was in 32 A.D.

Who forced Jews to move out of judea?

The Babylonians in 586AD and the Romans in 135AD hope this helps

When did the Romans expel the Jews from Judea?

Roman Emperor Titus expelled the Jews from Judea in 70 CE.Answer:The Romans never expelled the Jews from Judea. Rather, they expelled them from Jerusalem only.